In order for myself to earn a decent profit with, I need to make sure that the traffic & activity is back up to a certain level (hopefully like how it was back in 2004).
Currently, the ads placed around the site barely pay for hosting fees. I'm not sure what hosting plan Max was on, but with a dedicated server, it costs quite a bit each month just to keep BF up and running. The contextual ads handle this fairly well.
If you haven't noticed, I've also placed an advertising page up for private advertisers. Revenue coming from that is going directly to the upcoming contest planned for BF, which will also cost quite a bit.
Basically, my strategy to re-launch back to it's former glory is getting help from other sources. As you probably know, I found us a sponsor for the upcoming contest who are providing us a brand new 8GB Ipod Touch. We are such a large community so if we use that to our advantage, BF has that much more potential to grow.
Thank You,