I wonder which of these I should start with, if im new to wow. NE Hunter och Orc Shaman? Which profession?
Never fought me thenmagic_mushrooms said:. Oh and warriors are only there for taking hits and dieing
Never said they were op, I know a few freinds who think/know Paladins are easy to play.BlueCheeseKilla said:all these people who say paladins are overpowered are dumbasses and need to shut the **** up!
what? most pets have terrible DPS. they are more tank-worthy then DPS worthy, which is why in a lot of instance groups with a tank, they ask that you not summon your pet.PunisherX said:^yup NE hunter is what i made and i lvl up very fast haveing a pet dealing out damage + your ranged damage is great and if they get in close then they face a great melee char also