People are only refering to Darwin quoting the "survival of the fittest".
But In Darwins book about evolution, this is only mentioned a few times.
He speaks much more often about ethics and moral then from the survival of the fittest.
He only uses that to describe our early stages in evolving from monkeys and general animal evolution.
Later he talks about that ethics will evolve in big societies.
Btw: What is imperfect evolution ???
Such a thing doesn't exist. Think about the meaning of the word evolution. It actualy means something is changing to get better, thats a continual process. And it doesn't necessarily mean physical strengh or health. Take Stephen Hawking for example. He understands better then anyone what the univers is doing. You think humans will cause less harm to the world, if such people wouldn't be capeable of living.
I think the other way around. If we were still under the direct influence of natural selection, we would abuse our powers to get as much resources as possible.
Organisations like greenpeace prove that humans have evolved thoughts about things like that every living creature has its right to be there. And to come back to Darwin, thats what he predicted.
So our evolutionary goal should be, to find a way to coexist with all other living beings under common ethic rules, and we are far away from acieving it. And if we once acieve this, evolution won't stop there.