Huge list of character guides


Retired Staff
May 30, 2003
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Humble, Texas
Ive noticed guides are pretty outdated and/or lacking in BF for a while now, so I decided to sit down and create guides over all classes, bringing a little updated information to everyone (well, i tried to cover all the basis, forgive me for missing a few)

NOTE: These have all been builds i personally or a friend has created and ive used. I have hands on experience with each of these builds and know they work great if used correctly. Also, i have hand written (typed actually) all of these guides from scratch

So this thread is dedicated to new guides, i dont want them to lump all together into one post incase they decide to sticky them/link to them, so the guides will start after this post.

Ive gone through alot of trouble getting these put together, so please enjoy them and leave a thanks for my hard work :D


Table of Contents:

-warcry barb
-frenzy barb
-gold find barb

-fire druid
-nado druid

-trap assassin
-Bow assassin
-ww assassin

-MF sorc

-summon/bone spirit
-poison necro

-mf hammerdin

-bow primary
-java primary


Retired Staff
May 30, 2003
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Humble, Texas
Wacry Barb - AKA The Singer (PVM)

This is an interesting build, the end result will be an Offensive PVM Support Character. You can demolish smaller enemies, and keep larger, tougher ones at bay while your buddies finisht them off. You will have the ability to stun enemies for 12 seconds, which is a huge open window to destroy them with just about anything on your side. You could even have a merc if you want to go solo, and would be able to walts through most (if not all) of the entire game alone. Along with that, this build is very self-sufficient, and very very durable. You should never die, have huge resistance, huge life, be super fast, and you should always be maxed out on full juves. and no, this is not a useless build, you will be a HUGE asset in baal runs, and if your with a friend doing private baal runs for some sort of payment, you will deffenently be earning your share. You will be able to jump strait into Gloams and oblivion knights without any worry.


1. Throw out all of your defensive cries. you will be sharing some great things, you should have the highest BO of your party, but someone might have higher shout than you, always check whos got the best of what before you head out.

2. Stay ahead of your party, your there to make the entire run (whatever you may be doing) a heck of a lot easier, it's your job to be the first in, and the last out.

3. When you approach a mob, jump in and stun them. once they are stunned, check to see if theres any monsters that need taunting, if so do it now, and lead them into the group and re-stun, i fnot, then its time to move on:
-you will now be running around the area, stunning every single monster in site until they are finished off.
-when you come upon weaker mobs, finish them off on your own.

4. If you or your party members are getting beaten down, its time to throw out some Howls, this will buy you and your team time to regroup, heal, rebuff, and jump back into the mix.

5. Once the battle is over, use find position on the corpses, and fill your belt back up. (full juvs = gg) Don't forget about your team, if your belt is full, throw some bones to the dogs ;)

Baal Gameplay:
1. whatever the mob is, repeat the tactics, you have no worry (except for one single monster, which I will note below). Gloams, oblivion knights, those damn dolls that 1hit most everyone else, dont be scared, just be fast and use the same tactics as above.

2. When you get to the summon room w/ baal, stand directly in the center and stunlock them. Easy as pie.

WARNING: Lister is a monster to be careful with. Not being able to stun him, if he decides to aim his attacks at you, throw a shout out to scatter them, and get away ASAP. go in stun the mobs again, and retreat, keeping the rest of the mobs away while your team drops lister, once hes out, just gather the monsters back in and use normal tactics. This is the ONLY time I've seen problems, and as long as your paying attention to what your doing (thats right, no eating dinner while baaling) you will have no problem.

Note: If you don't max taunt or shout, you can finish this character at level 78, 79 if your not using Enigma, which can give you some extra points to play with, I suggest increased speed, iron skin, or natural resistance, just to make him that much better, however, if you DO decide to max taunt or shout, you will be level 98 when hes done. If you really wanted to, you could have an MF setup in your stash/inv, and switch out, max out your Item Find ability, and MF after a run, though this is going to slow down the pace at which you and your group proceed, so I dont suggest this at all.

When building your character, you will max BO, then WC, then howl, then you will have to choose between taunt or battlecry, personally I suggest battlecry, it can make the leveling process that much easier, but if your going to be rushed, feel free to use taunt, doesnt matter if thats the case.

20 - Howl
20 - Battle Cry
20 - Battle Orders
20 - Warcry
1 - Leap (Not necessary if you have enigma)
1 - Increased stamina
1 - Iron skin
1 - Increased speed
1 - Natural Resistance
1 - Find position
1 - Taunt
1 - Shout
1 - Battle Command

This build will give you max BO, along with all offensive warcries. with +skill poionts, you will have some nice base res, gg extra defense, faster speed (if you have a paladin with vigor on, your going to be blazing fast.


Weapon1A: HOTO
Weapon2A: HOTO
Weapon1B: CTA/+3 warcry (your call, decide if you need it/can afford it, but the cta needs to be max)
Weapon2B: CTA/+3 warcry (your call, decide if you need it/can afford it, but the cta needs to be max)
NOTE: if your missing your res for some reason (ie its low) you can sacrifise your skills and throw on some wizardspikes, this will give you a huge boost in res, along with some gg fcr, but dont plan to stay this way, you want the above items.

Helm: Shako (UM) - This is great for this build (and not to mention I nearly always suggest this) +life, +mana, +skills, +res, some DR, it has everything you need, and is on the cheap side. Arreats works great as well, or if you happen to have one of those godly rare barb helms, have at it!

Armor: Dusk Shroud (Enigma) - This is your top option just as shako is for helms, + skills, and teleport. need i say more? If you don't have one/cant afford one, a Vipermagi can work as well, but you will have to have +leap in the skills, which honostly doesnt hurt much (if at all) but youll be just a tad slower than teleporting

Belt: Arach - obvious answer, +1. If you dont have one, get one.

Gloves: Frosties. Magefist is a second option in this build, because you WILL have insight (or you damn well better) and thus the mana regen of magefist is useless, so its better to have a larger lump sum of mana to allow insight to fill up, instead of just adding a bit more regen to it.

Boots: This can depend on the build you have, if your going high end and getting the best, your mana should be fine, andyou should get waterwalks for the extra life, if not, then use Silkweave for the mana boost.

Amulets: This again depends on your wealth in gear. If you have great resistance (ie maxed) in hell without an amulet, find a rare amulet with +3 warcries, mana, and life. If not, or if you cant find a rare amy, Maras is great.

RingA: SOJ/BK. again, if mana is fine, use BK.

RingB: SOJ/BK again, if mana is fine, Use BK

-Perfect Anni - Obvious answer, perfect is always best, but get what u can
-barb tortch - Obious answe, perfect is always best, but get what you can
-9x Wacry skillers - Obvious answer, +life, +res are the targeted extra mods, this will allow you a HUGE BO
-10x small charms consisting of first and foremost resistance, if your res is fine, go after life and fhr

MERC: Act2 Might or Freeze: Either way you go (and it's your choice, if you want to support the team by giving extra stats, or to freeze the mobs, I've done both, and find both to be very usefull, test it out and ecideyourself) give him an Insight so you and your party can binifet from the infinant mana, though if you plan to always use this with a partner who also happens to have insight (which in all likelyhood is very possible) you can consider bonehew, infinite runeword, or any number of other items. Regardless, make sure you also give him either a Vamp gaze/Shako/CoA (lol), and a fort(eth bugged =gg), upped Shaft, or Levishell, my personal one has eth vamp, eth bugged fort diamond mail, and eth cv insight, and hes a rutheless monster. Remember, if you build your merc right and spend some hr's on him to get him the best items possible, he will be a killing machine, allowing you to almost always take out everything on your own (this includes the high end monsters that I say to stunlock and allow your team to pickout)


Str - only enough to use your gear, str is not needed in this build and should be kept at a minimum
Dex - bare minimum again, if you think you will be using wizzardspike at all, make sure to have 69. We will not have a shield so this is not used except for whats needed for gear.
Vita - All the rest.
Ene - lol? build this right, with the mana gear and merc you have, you dont need anything in here.

Thats it, go out, have fun, and sing to your hearts content.


Retired Staff
May 30, 2003
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Humble, Texas
WW Barb - AKA Mr. Dizzy (PVP)

This is the basic barbarian, a whirlwind barb. Devistating against all who wind up within arms reach, he can demolish tons, if built correctly and played with by someone who knows what there doing, can even take out smiters.

NOTE: THIS WILL NOT BE A CHEAP ITEM BUILD. I WILL BE USING BM TACTICS (You can choose not to) ALSO YOU WILL NEED TO HAVE A PACKMULE CHARACTER (IE second copy of D2 running souly to bring a hell rushed mule into game with you, in order to switch between gear in seconds)

Dex: Max block
Energy: None


Helm: Upped, glitched (if possible), Perfect arreats. Of corse if you cant afford that then get the best you can

Armor: Dusk shroud Enigma - Allowing you to teleport in for a kill, retreat when needed, and +skills

Amulet: Rare amulet with +2 all barb, high str, possibly dex, and res. Maras is a second option but try to get the best rare you can find. also have an angelics for vs. barbs

RingA: ravenfrost (pefect if possible, I use 2x 249's however, stops people from claiming your duped lol) with an angelics for vs. barbs
NOTE: You will be switching rings depending on who you duel, but raven is your primary

RingB: ravenfrost (pefect if possible, I use 2x 249's however, stops people from claiming your duped lol) with an angelics for vs. barbs
NOTE: You will be switching rings depending on who you duel, but raven is your primary

Weapon1A: Grief Zerker- Try for perfect, but MUST BE 34 IAS | 380+ damage AT LEAST

Weapon2A: Beast Zerker- Try for perfect.
NOTE: You will be switching Weapon2A into a respected shield depending on who you duel.

Weapon2A: HOTO (Try to get 40 res, this will help lowering the amount of times you have to switch to shield in duels)

Weapon2B: HOTO (Try to get 40 res, this will help lowering the amount of times you have to switch to shield in duels)

Gloves: Dracs (Duh)

Boots: Upped gores w/ hotspurs as a second

Belt: perf dungos, Tgods, snowclash, and arach in stash for switch depending on who you duel.

Perfect B Torch: Duh
Perfect Anni: Duh
37x 32020's or as close as you can get, i do not only suggest 32020's but instead getting the best you can that also gives you res.

Stash: Keep one or two nice psn charms in stash, dont need many, just a couple for backup in a certain instance.

-Stormshield (Um) Used against charactesr that have ele + physical damage (ie Traping WWsins), or when multi dueling in pub games where ele + phys characters are after you.
-Stormshield (Ber) Used when against characters that are pure damage, though you shouldnt run into many that will make you want extra defense
-Stormshield (40-15) Used as a second option when dueling any character, incase you need a tad more def, but not enough to require ber, this will allow you to have some more damage as well
-4x PSaphire Shield: Vs. Cold casters, +160 Cold res
-4x PEmerald Shield: Vs. Poison casters/psn zons, +160 Poison Res
-4x PRuby Shield: Vs Fire casters
-4x PDiamond Shield: Vs Auradins/multi element casters (IE Hybrid sorces, though this is laughable)
-4x PTopaz Shiled: Vs Light sorces, 99% of trap assassins, FOHers, etc etc

-2x SOJ - when your needing extra mana as a defensive bonus (not normally needed, though could give an edge vs another barb)
-2x BK - when your needing extra mana as a defensive bonus (not normally needed, though could give an edge vs another barb)
-2x Dwarf Star- When vs fire
-2x Carrion - When against poision necro/psn zon
-2x Wisp - VS Light characters (light sorc, trapzn)

1 - to all pre-requests
20 - Whirlwind
20 - Axe mastery
20 - BO
20 - Shout
17 - Leap

Extra points go into iron skin, or natural resistance if you dont have high res at the end.

vs. WW Barb: ww like mad, try to start your ww when they finish theres, shield + grief against them if they wear grief or botd + beast, using your ber or 40/15 ss.

vs. Blizz sorc: Keep beast on (or you can whip out the respected shield if you dont wanna play nice), put on snowclash, chase them via teleport and ww every time you catch up. if your wearing the shield, if they blizz themselves when you get close, just go right in, they wont know what hit 'em, if your wearing best, teleport next to the blizz, and do a single ww through it, if you dont/barely get hit go again, if not, retreat/wait for the blizz to dissapear.

vs. Firesorc: put on your dwarfs, put on your hotspur, and put on the ruby shield. I consider fire sorces BM in the first place, so I feel no remorse for the stacks against them. you should have no problem when playing with them with this gear, just dodge there fireballs, come in strong, and finish with a smile.

vs. light sorc: put on your sorb rings, tgods, and if you want, the shield. go in strong and nail 'em. if your not putting on ur sorbs (playing nice) then dodge the lightning, as it can pack a punch. either way you play against them, if they are running around with an insight on (or a merc with it) then take the gloves off, BM by equiping the shield, kill the merc, and go in for the kill.

vs. Trappers: there are 2 kinds of trappers, those you can tank without any stacking, and those you cant. Get hit on purpose by a light trap or two, see what there damage is like. if it doesnt hurt, just tank the crap out of them, if its about to kill you, go heal, put on the stacks, and beat the snot out of them. Most trappers are BM anyways, and always TG, so dont feel bad for wearing the shield.

Vs. ww sin: these are baby barbarians, and your a full grown barbarian. If you lose to them, you fail

Vs. Ele druid: Equip the 40-15 shield or the respected ele shield, tele BEHIND the enemy if you can and ww to death

Vs. Bowzon: Put on the 40-15 SS, along with your couple psn charms. Teleport into them, land a single hit, retreat back, Count to 5 and then go in for the kill, bowzons have weak psn res (even mine, though my build will not allow this to happen often) and this will eat them alive.

Vs. javazon: Javazons hurt, and CAN kill you. Your best bet is to go BM (hey, she could be a farcaster right?) put on the rings, put on the tgods, and put on the light shield. get them to chase you (if not FC), teleport away for them to follow, teleport back and ww into them, and run off, rinse and repeat.

Vs. Bone necros: Put on a wiz spike, and a ber shield, be careful!, teleport, and make sure NOT TO HIT THE BONESPIRITS OR TEETH, whirlwind directly into them and back off, rinse and repeat

Vs. Psn necros: This is bm imo, put on your psn res gear (including shield) and go in hard and strong, remember, they are built to psn you, drop your health in a fraction of a second, and come in full force to get a last hit to take away that 1hp you have left, so you have to finish them quick, most psn necros wont have a chance, but a good one can give you problems.

Vs. Summon necro: Beast + grief, if they are BM (lifetap) then get an act2 freeze merc and ww strait in, hopeing the merc hits 'em, shouldnt be too hard, your ww should kill his summons fairly easy.

Vs. Hammerdin: Beast + Grief, ww from underneath, as that is the farest point of contact for there attacks. you should be able to take out about 85% of the hdins you come across

Vs. FOH: This is already bm, stack your light res/sorb and have at 'em, theyll start crying

Vs. Zealers: WW > Zeal

Vs. Smite: Your best bet is to go in a frenzy of ww wearig both weapons. this is a win or lose situation, as not much will stop them. Some you can beat, others will woop your ass. if you have a lifetap wand on a packmule, use it, cause i gaurentee they will.

NOTE: Leap has a hidden power now, leaping will cause all enemies within range (i say on screen, some claim up close, some say 2 screens) causing enemies to get knocked back, use this how you like *evil*


Retired Staff
May 30, 2003
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Humble, Texas
Frenzy barb - aka Speedy Gonzolas (trist runner)

The following guide will create a crazy fast tristam runner, he will be flying at mach4 by the time hes done, and is just a fun character to have around. He can also be fun in PVP, but will not do that great, however he can take on most all of PVM if you want to have some fun.


Helm: Arreats (best you can get, upped glitched is the best obviously) socketed with ber.

Armor: Archon CoH

Weapon1A: Eth BOTD CB
Weapon2A: Eth Death CB
Weapon1B: Grief PB
Weapon2B: Lawbringer PB

Amulet: Highlords

RingA: Ravenfrost (max stats a must) more ar, more dex = even more ar, and cant be frozen = gg

RingB: Dual leech is great, +str, +ar, must have res. if you cant get a good rare ring, another ravenfrost is a good option, or a BK possibly

Belt: Dungos, youc an also use a Perfected Upped string, but i like dungos

Gloves: Laying of Hands | Dracs (your choice if you want to use lifetap, use a lifetap wand and wear LoH personally)

Charms (not including prebuffs):
1x Pbarb torch
1x PAnni
36 32020's or bust. you can substitute some for res charms if you like, but you shouldnt have to do that (at least you shouldnt have to sacrifice many)

Prebuff gear: WC Skillers, Demon limb for ar, lifetap wand, BO buffer weapons, +3 warcry amy, and a rare/runeword helm giving over 3 warcries

With this build, you'll be touching past 6k life, 16+ AR BEFORE USING DEMONS LIMB, 3-7k main hand damage, along with CB,DS, and CB
+50 all res after counting in mephs horrible aura.
31% Physical resistance.

1. Put on our yelling Prebuffs, go out of town and cast your shouts
2. Come back, put on your Demon limb, and up you and all team members AR (except for casters duh)
3. Equip your fighting gear, and a lifetap wand if your using it instead of highlords
3. Go into tristam wearing your lifetap wand, locate first boss, and lifetap (or if you have highlords, skip the next step
4. quickly go back in town, stash the wand, put on your fighting weapons and get back in
5. go nuts on 'em
6. Once the boss is dead, repeat process as necessary


Retired Staff
May 30, 2003
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Humble, Texas
Gold Find Barb - AKA King Midas (Trist runner, Gambler, MF)

This is a character that can have max gold (thats over 2 million) in about half an hour. This is a great build for anyone who is like me, and addicted to Gambling. This character has little to no damage however, and will be relying on a merc in order to do the job. Ontop of the goldfind, he will have some fair MF, why do runs if your not going to find the occasional Occy or shako? granted, if you dont care about MF, thats, fine ill give a substite in skill options.


Str: As little as possible, include the stats from charms and gear, you should be under 70
dex: none
Vit: Everything else
Energy: None

20 - Shout
20 - BO
20 - Warcry
20 - Find Item (Only if using this character as a secondary MF character as well)
1 - Natural Resist
1 - Iron Skin
1 - Battle Command
1 - Find Potion
1 - Howl
1 - Taunt

If your not interested in corpse looting for items (ie MF) then put the extra into iron skin, natural resistance, or increased speed (i suggest nat resist first, if your res is already fine then into Iron skin)


Helm: Upped Upped Tarnhelm (socketed with Lem or Um or Ist, depending on how your res looks and if you want MF)

Armor: Mage Plate Wealth runeword - you could use a goldskin if you wanted, but I dont suggest it.

Gloves: Chancies, MF doesnt matter unless your MFing as well

Ring1+2: Easiest option is 2x Dwarf, no gold finding, but theres alot of fire where were going.

Belt: Goldwrap, duh.

Boots: Cow kings if you want some mf and you need a wizzy due to res problems, if not, find some rares with the highest Goldfind possible along with some res and/or life, or craft blood boots.

Amulet: Few options here:
-Rare +2 barb with 80% Goldfind
-Magic +3 warcries 80% Goldfind
-Blood amulet (magic amy + Prub + Amn + magic jewel) rolled with good GF

Weapon1+2A: 2x Ali Baba's (Lem's or Ists, I use Lem's)

Weapon1+2B: 2x +3 warcry spears

-Perfect anni
-Perfect Torch
-Perfect Gheeds
-Fire res charms until maxed
-All the goldfind charms you can find

Merc: Act 2 Offensive (Blessed Aim)
Stack him up with a eth bugged fort, eth gaze (UM), and insight or ebotd polearm, depending on if you plan to be backup using shouts often or stay back and let him fight.

Stash: We wont be using prebuffs, as this is designed for fast action, the only stashed gear you need is


Go into trav, cast your deffensive yells. Run into the council and go into durance of hate tunnel, bringing your merc right next to you. Go back to trav, start using your offense shouts on mobs while your merc pics 'em off, your Goldfind is added to your mercs kills, and he will be able to take them out easily, if it gets rough go back into durance (stay near the durance tunnel at all times possible) and heal up, tp, whatever. Rince and repeat, it should be under a minute to finish off the council. Once finished, use find item on the corpses, allowing for even more gold possibilities. If there is any item you see on the ground that you want, TP to town, drop some charms down, go back, pick up, go back into town and have cain ID. pick up your charms when done and make a new game.

NOTE: I dont mf with this character often, because of the fact that i keep my inventory filled with charms.

With this character you can do gold runs in about a minute flat, and be maxed out within the hour, also, have an Edge runeword in your stash for gambling purposes.


Retired Staff
May 30, 2003
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Humble, Texas
Fire Druid - AKA The Shaman (PVP)

This character has the chance to be a monster if played right, though it does have its weaknesses, they can be avoided if you play right.


20 - Volcano
20 - Fissure
20 - Molten Boulder
1 - Heart of the Wolverine

Once done, add the reast of your skills to Firestorm to beef up the fissure, if you accomplish that, the rest of your points can go to HoW or Oaks, your choice. (I'd go Oak)


Helm: Rare helm w/ +1 Armageddon or Ravenlore (if you have ravenlore, you will have to have 1 skillpoint put into Armageddon, which = an extra 6 skills used)

Armor: Enigma Dusk Shroud

Belt: Arach, with a snowclash and tgods in stash/packmule

Gloves: Magefist

Boots:Treks, or fhr/res/stat rare boots, with hotspur in stash/packmule

Amulet: this depends if you can afford everything I suggest, if you have 99+ fcr without fcr, use a maras, if you dont, youll need +2 druid w/ FCR (or a rare 10fcr ring in its place)

Ring1: if the above statement is not going to be applied about fcr ring, use SOJ, with sorb rings in stash/packmule

Ring2: SOJ, with sorb rings in stash/packmule

Weapon1A: Hoto (perf res)

Weapon2A: Spirit (Perfect FCR) with a 4x P fire facet shield in stash, along with your basic sorb shields on a Packmule

Weapon1B: CTA (max bo)

Weapon2B: Spirit

-Perfect Druid torch
-Perfect Anni
-3-4x Summon GC's (minor mods = Life, mana, res, or fhr)
-6-7x Elemental GC's (minor mods = Life, mana, res, or fhr)
-10x Res/fhr/life sc's


Vs all Tip: ALWAYS keep yoru grizzly out, if he dies, back off and re-summon

Vs all sorbers: Instead of aiming with fire, your going to use your Molten Boulder. why? because it has high physical damage along with fire, itll take some training to get the timing down on hitting people with this, just go in ontop, lay down a boulder, and back off for the next.
other than that, theres 2 methods:

1. Run n gun, get in and blast 'em, and get out.

2. Stay deffensive, fissuring your feet, and let them come to you, when they do, lay a volcano doesn. If they are chasing you, throw a volcano or a boulder behind you while layin fissures as well.


Retired Staff
May 30, 2003
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Humble, Texas
Windy Druid - PVP

This is a guide to give you max FCR, the gear recommended gear MUST be obtained or else the guide will not work correctly. This will allow you to be uber fast, have pure life in stats, and allow you to kill off most anything if you play right with just a few nados


Helm: You -have- to find a rare helm with 20fcr, so be ready to spend some cash or mf your ass off. Try to get +str, 20fcr, +2 druid, +X Nado for extra damage. res, dex, str, fcr, and +2 druid are the necessities, extras are great.

Armor: Enigma Breastplate - This is going to allow us to have base str (after completeing the +5 quests in each difficulty) and in turn mean a ton life. now, if the items you use (charms, etc etc) give you enough to use a mageplate or dusk shroud, please, by all means, switch the BP out for one of those. my personal druid after charms and full leveling + quests, was able to wear dusk shroud without any trouble, which is exactly what you need to aim for.

Belt: Arachs - 20fcr + 1skills, obvious answer

Gloves: Magefist we want that fcr.

Amulet: This, like the helm, has to be obtained, you MUST find a rare amulet with 10fcr minimum (20 is max), meaning your best bet is +2 druid, 10fcr, dex, str, life, and/or gg res

Ring1: Again, must be obtained, you have to get a 10fcr ring, meaning +to dex, life, str, and gg res

Ring2: Again, must be obtained, you have to get a 10fcr ring, meaning +to dex, life, str, and gg res

Weapon1A: HOTO (more res the better)

Weapon2A: Spirit (THIS MUST BE 33 FCR OR BETTER)

Weapon1B: CTA (max bo)

Weapon2B: Spirit (Any fcr, this is just a bo buff)

NOTE: if you want to use SOJ's BK's (I know some of you swear by this) thats fine, but keep in mind were after the fastest FCR there is, which means your total FCR -has- to add up to 163.

1x prefect druid torch
1x perfect anni
9x Ele skillers (ele +40 life obviously is a great answer)
1x 5fhr SC (this is to get the best fhr we can, obviously more stats the better, str, life, resistance, dont bother with anymore fhr though, its pointless)
9x life/res/str/dex/mana charms (only go after str if you need it for that enigma dusk shroud still)
Str: None
Dex: None
Vita: ALL
Eneregy: None

20 - Tornado
20 - Hurricane
20 - Cyclone armor
20 - Twister
20 - Oak Sage
1 - Summon Grizzly
1 - Spirit wolves
1 - all prerequest (should be 3 total, Raven, Dire wolves, and arctic blast)

Merc: Now, I dont recommend mercs in duels becaues of the cost to revive them, and in duels that can add up quickly leaving you broke for repairs. however if you really want to (or plan to PVM with this druid) then go with the following:

Act2 nightmare Defensive merc (Freeze)
Weapon: ETH Reapers toll - this allows us to get decrepify to lower the res of our enemies, however, if you arent the type that likes to use potions, get a eth CV insight.
Armor: ETH BUGGED Fort, really the only option I ever use
Helm: CoA with 2 bers if you can afford it, but if not, go with a vipermagi or shako with Ber or Um in it, thats the norm I use.

-ALWAYS cast your oak sage, then grizzly, then spirit wolves, then BO. this is your casting sequence.
-ALWAYS at all times, keep hurricane going. This is something that you HAVE to keep up.
-for the most part you play like a sorc, teleporting around your enemies, however unlike them, you need to be a little closer to the enemy when your going in for the kill, as your nados are sparatic in path

now, this build will take out quite alot of enemy typs, however a few that will wipe the floor with you still will be bowzons (if played right)


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May 30, 2003
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Werebear Druid - PVP/PVM

This is a guide to a werebear druid I created about a year ago (Last ladder season) he was fun, but I personally lost interest in him after about a month. He did pretty good, had his downsides (being pure upclose and personal kinda fighting makes it hard against casters) and was generaly alot of fun.

Str: Just enough to use gear
Dex: Just enough to use gear
Vita: All the rest
Energy: None

1 - Werewolf
8 - Shockwave
20 - Lycanthropy
20 - Werebear
20 - Maul
20 - Oak Sage
20 - Summon Grizzly (this should be the last you max)

Any extra points can go into shockwave, or if you like, beef up your grizzly with some synergies


Helm: 20fhr/20fcr/+2 druid rare circlet with 2x shaels/ums/bers is best, but if you cant afford it, jalals can work

Armor: Fort dusk shroud

Belt: Rare 24fhr, 20+ str, and resist, ideal belt would have fire and cold resistance

Gloves: Dracs if you cant find anything else, but honostly id suggest finding some rare/crafted chance of lifetap gloves with IAS

Boots: Treks

Ring1: Ravenfrost (perfect is what we want, though expensive, so lose a bit (i use 249/20's because it drops the price so much)

Ring2: Rare ring with +str/dex, Life leech, and fire/cold/light res.

Amulet: Highlords (we want the IAS)

Weapon1A: Grief Zerker (Perfect is great)

Weapon2A: Stormshield

Weapon1B: CTA (max bo)

Weapon2B: This depends about your other gear, if you can wear it without putting tons of extra points in just for it, use spirit, if not, Sigons (Shael) shield works wonders.

-perfect Druid torch
-perfect anni
-10x life/max/ar SC's
-9x shapeshifting GC's, try to get lifers or FHR's (i suggest 4x 12 fhr, 5x lifers)

Prebuff items:
-Demon limb (use this before going out to fight, we want the ar it gives us.

merc:I have 2 options for you, personally I use the first option:

Act1 cold arrow rogue
Helm: Andies visage (you really want to socket it with a rare jewel that negates the -fire res, along with having +str and other res/life) Shako works as well (Um or Ber) if you cant find anything else) or a vamp gaze (Um or Ber)
Weapon: Harmony and faith (you switch depending on what you need), whatever you do, dont put it in an amazon only bow. fana, and vigor, are going to be good friends of yours in certain situations.
Armor: ETH BUGGED Fort

act2 nm merc (offinsive = might aura)
helm: Ber Ber CoA or Vamp/shako w/ ber um
Armor: ETH BUGGED Fort
Weapon: Eth reapers toll


You lack teleport, thats why we have a merc with vigor, move fast, and hit hard. you should be able to run around and dink most characters (watching zons run away is halarious) make sure to use your shockwave often. this is a great source for a stun. if you cant quite reach your enemy (or they are teleporting around too much) whip out your faith on your merc, and let her have at it, provide support to her when the enemy comes in to take her out, feed her potions (no one knows if your merc is healing right *evil*) and she should do great, personally ive had my merc able to take out most enemies for me (which was kinda funny) i felt more like a pet than the leader of the group in some situations, but when they DO get close, keep in mind your a hit'em hard build, and it shouldnt take long :)


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May 30, 2003
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Humble, Texas
Trap assasin - PVP

This is a guide to the basic trap assasin.


Helm - 3x shakos that are used based on what your fighting, UM if elemental, Shael if physical but weak, Ber if physical and strong. Of corse, a rare GG circlet can take its place, but for the most part those are hard to come by

Armor: Enigma Dusk shroud

Weapon1A+2A: +2 light sentry, +2 trap, +2 death sentry magic claws, sockets are your option but should be obvious ;)

Weapon1B: CTA (Max bo)

Weapon2B: Spirit or lidless (depends if you want to use the str to wear a monarch)

Amulet: Maras (Perfect)

Rings: This changes based on the situation, defaults are Bul Kathos and SOJ for +life and mana, switches = all sorb rings

Belt: Arach mesh

Gloves: Magefist

Boots: Treks or ETH waterwalk, though I used Treks


Str: Enough to use gear (if your not using monarch spirit you shouldnt need much)
Dex: Enough for max block
life: The rest
Mana: None

Strats: theres 2 methods to using basic trap assasins, I prefer the turtle method (its cheap, but effective) Run out of town, find the enemy and throw some traps out, if they decide to try and chase you circle around while laying down traps, working your way to a wall, once there, they have lost the ability to teleport/run around you in circles, lay traps down where they can come from (this gaurentees hits) with one trap right ontop of you, this should hold off most people. However be warned: people can easily build resistance against light and then your screwed. I do not use a trap assassin often because of this.


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May 30, 2003
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Bowsin - AKA Bleach blonde (PVP)

This is an amazon in disguise. She will be nailing her opponents with arrows like crazy, and honostly, the reaction is priceless with it. This is a poison build, so expect everyone to cry about BM.

Str - 167 str after all your gear is counted for to wear shadow dancers
Dex - 149 after gear stats for widowmaker
Life - everything else
Ene - none

20 - Venom
20 - mind blast
20 - Shadow master
10 - Burst of Speed
1 - Lightning Sentry

extra stats should be spent in either lightning traps (great to give you some defense an actual zon lacks when someone gets in close, especially since the psn damage will drop them to 1life fairly fast, these could save your butt in a tight situation) or else max out burst of speed honostly you should be able to do both. I maxed out burst of speed and still had some traps (granted, they were not doing much damage)


Helm: either a 2x 5/5 psn facet COA, or 5/5psn facet Shako, or a rare helm if you have one (duh)

Armor: Bramble runeword. We want the +psn damage

Belt: Dungos

Gloves: Trangs (set item) we want the +psn damage

Boots: Shadow Dancers, we want the +2 shadow (this means more psn damage for us)

Amulet: maras will work, but if you have a nice rare with +2 skills and some gg res and +str, go for it.

Ring1: SOJ/BK (see how you play, if you dont need the mana, go with the BK)

Ring2: SOJ/BK (see how you play, if you dont need the mana, go with the BK)

Weapon1A: Widowmaker (200ED and +5 GA), with 5/5 psn facet
Weapon2A: Arrows (duh)
Weapon1B: CTA (max BO)
Weapon2B: Sigons (Shael)

Buffer items:
+3 shadow claws, we want to try and get them with +3 venom as well, or possibly light centry. socket with psn facets.

-Perfect anni (again, you want to get max)
-9x Shadow GC's, FHR or +life or +res is great as well for bonus stats
-10x psn charms, or 32020 matches. if you cant get those, use FHR, Life, orRes sc's
NOTE: If you want to be even more psn, you can replace the 9x shadow charms for a crapload of psn smallcharms, its up to you and what you can afford.

Strats: the basic idea is the same, but depending on how you spend your stats changes a factor or two. For the most part, go out, bring out your shadow master, BO and prebuff, once that is done go out and play just like a zon, however when someone gets close, throw some traps out. When people see traps, they naturally try to avoid them, which will help you line your target up for the kill. Your doing some painful psn damage, and will be eating them away after only a couple arrows, most of the time they will try to run off, which is where you want to cut them off by chasing them down and throwing some traps there way. Sometimes i use to take out 2x gc's/6x psn charms (i would switch my inventory all the time) and put an enigma in there just so when they would run off you could teleport after them and finish 'em off with a trap.

when/if they run becase of your psn arrows: lay down some traps infront of them/around them to guide them back to you IF they are within reach of you being able to use the traps. If the traps kill them awesome, if not, finish 'em off with some arrows. Now if you cant reach them w/ traps, instead go towards town some (or whever you think they will be going) throw some traps there, and keep on point. They will show up soon, blast them like crazy with arrows. they should be at 1hp from the psn you gave them, and will drop from a single touch.

You can also use your mindblast, remember, it has a namelock just like your arrows, and can hurt them.

When an enemy comes in close, fire a few arrows and start mindblasting them, this will stop there assault and at the same time, the psn will be eating them away, ive gotten a ton of kills from this, it works great.

really the only reason your going to have to be worried is if you run into someone with HUGE psn res, but psn is something not many count when building, normally people aim for Fire, Cold, Lightning, and then finally (if even) psn res.


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May 30, 2003
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Humble, Texas
Whirlwind Assassin - AKA Butch (PVP)

This is a guide to a wwsin, they are in short, muscled hulky bald men trapped inside a little girl. They will be chasing down and using whirlwind as there main attack, with poison as added damage. This build can -really- hurt people, so get ready to have some fun

Str: 99 str after items/charms for Chaos
Dex: 99 dex with items/charms for Chaos
Life: Everything else
Mana: None

20 - Venom
20 - Claw Mastery
1 - Fade
1 - Weapon Block
1 - Burst of Speed
1 - Cloak of Shadows
1 - Blade shield
1 - Blade fury
1 - Mind blast
1 - Dragon flight
1 - Shadow master

*NOTE: if you get dragon flight on a claw, you will not have to go after that, saving you skills (I believe thats 4 skills saved)

Extra skills should go torwards weapon block until it hits level 23 (with all gear accounted for), then bring fade to level 15, Once finished there, beef up your Cloak of shadows.


Helm: Shako (um, or ber), a rare assassin helm is not what we want here

Armor: Bramble (Must be 40%)

Belt: Dungos

Gloves: Trangs

Boots: Gore riders

Ring1: Ravenfrost

Ring2: Ravenfrost (or if you like, you can use an soj/bk for extra mana/life, or even a rare ring, just make it a rare str/dex/ar/res ring)

Amulet: Maras (we want the +2 and the res)

Weapon1A: Chaos Suwayyah
Weapon2A: Fury Suwayyah
Weapon1B: CTA (max)
Weaopn2B: Sigons (shael)

1x perfect azn torch
1x perfect anni
9x shadow GC's
10x max/ar/life small charms (or res if you like)

Stashed gear:
Angelic ring + amulet: for duels against barbs/paladins/high def characters
Jade Talons: this is for dueling hard hitting ele characters like FOH + Blizz
Buffer gear:
Demon limb

Strats: bo and prebuff up. Once done, go out and have fun. Dragon flight onto your enemy (this is why we didnt care about enigma) and ww just like a barb does, if they are ele based and hit hard, switch out your gear with a packmule of sorb and res gears, but honostly, this cahracter is tough, the only people you will have trouble with will be smiters, fire sorces (because its hard to get onto them witout being shot down with fire), and barbarians (as you are there little butch sister, of corse they pick on you) never do long whirlwinds, as they will cause you to leave yourself wide open for attacks, always do short, controlled, fast whirlwinds to maximize your damage.


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May 30, 2003
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Humble, Texas
Fire sorc - AKA flaming farie (PVP)

This is the fire sorc, an evil, one hit wonder in most duel games. granted, some enemies can take 2-3 shots before dieing, shes going to eat them alive before they can get near her


Str: Enough to use gear
dex: Enough to use gear
Life: The rest
Mana: None

NOTE: You are going to busing a TON of mana, so if you go with a life build, you will have very, very short rounds before your heading to town for pots, you can go with pummeling into mana (i have seen this before) but if your not good at dueling w/ a sorc its a bad idea, as youll be a 1 shot kill for the most part. you can also go half and half in this, but i personally dont like to.


Helm: RARE +2/20fcr circlet with other mods, socketed with 5-5 fire facet

Armor: Vipermagi (up it if you like, but remember the str) Socketed with 5-5 fire facet

Belt: Arachs

Gloves: Magefist

Boots: Treks

Amulet: Crafted +2/20fcr with str/dex/life/res mods

Ring1: crafted/rare 10fcr +str/dex/life/res mods

Ring2: crafted/rare 10fcr +str/dex/life/res mods

Weapon1A: HOTO (perfect res)
Weapon2A: Spirit (35fcr)
Weapon1B: CTA
Weapon2B: Spirit

1x Panni
1x P sorc torch
9x fire gc's (fhr or +life prefered)
10x life/res/fhr sc's

20 - Fireball
20 - Meteor
20 - Firebolt
20 - Fire mastery
1 - Teleport
1 - Shiver armor
1 - Warmth

Extra points can go into Warmth, your shiver armor, or teleport (warmth + teleport are added to try and slow the depletion of your mana)

Merc: Now this is BM, but it is a very usefull part of this build and will make things a heck of alot easier if you use one. depending on how you want to play, you can go insight or infinite in weapon choice, depending on if you want to use him only for a tank for the stray missle that comes your way and to keep your mana up, or if you want to use him to deplete your enemies fire resistance even further, giving you a ton of extra damage. remember: if you use infinite, you will have to attack within aura distance for it to help, consider this with how you play your sorc.

A2 nm defense (freeze merc)
Helm: Ber Ber COA, or Ber/um Shako
Armor: Eth Bugged Fort
Weapon: Infinite or Insight eth cv, if you dont plan for him to attack you can put it in any polearm, but why waste the runes?

Strats: there are two different options for how you want to play

1. You can go out there and be a crazy teleporter, flying all over the place and throwing fireballs at everyone in every direction, making it a huge opstical corse for your enemies, if this is your method id suggest using the insight for your merc to keep ur mana up longer
2. You can go out, throw a few fireballs once in a while, but come to the inzone for the kill, coming on screen, namelocking the enemy, and not expect to hit him, but to make him want to kill you, once he comes in for the kill, throw fireballs directly into his location, you can also meteor yourself if your the type to stand your ground. If this is your style, use the infinite merc, as infinite almost gaurentees a one shot kill against most builds


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May 30, 2003
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Humble, Texas
Light sorc - AKA Sparky (PVM)

This is a light sorc used for Countess running, she will be absurdly fast in her countess runs (as long as you get to the countess in a diecent amount of time) and can hold her own pretty well in most other PVM areas. remember, she is a countess runner, and is after runes, NOT uniques/sets/rares, so we will not be using MF.

Str: Enough to wear gear
Dex: Enough to wear Spirit monarch
Life: Everything else
Mana: None


Helm: Shako (UM)

Armor: CoH

Belt: Arachs

Gloves: Magefist

Boots: Treks

Amulet: Maras

Ring1: SOJ

Ring2: SOJ

Weapon1A: Occy/wiz spike
Weapon2A: Spirit monarch (perf fcr)
Weapon1B: CTA
Weapon2B: Spirit

1x P Anni
1x P Sorc torch
5x Lightning skillers (life or FHR is prefered)
6x FHR/Life/res sc's

20 - Lightning
20 - Chain lightning
20 - Lightning Mastery
1 - Teleport
1 - Static field
1 - whatever cold armor you want to use, i prefer Shiver armor

With your leftover skills, up the synergies of Lightning and chain lightning, I suggest Nova, then charged bolt. after that you can beef up your shield.

A2 nightmare deffensive (Freeze aura)
Helm: Shako (um/ber)
Armor: Eth bugged Fort
Weapon: Eth CV Insight

your merc is going to be your best friend, you will have a considerably low amount of mana for what you do, and your mercs insight is there to make up for it, and it will. BO before you go on your run, locate the temple, go in, and navigate your way through, teleporting past mobs and strait to the countess. once you go in, just teleport into the countess room (i suggest not going directly ontop of her and her mobs, they can hurt) and let your merc do the tanking while you cast some chain lightnings, after 3-4 chain lightnings, you should have her mobs knocked dead, switch to Lightning and blast her away. If there are lightning immunes around you may want to consider retreating and making a new one (this doesnt happen often, but it DOES happen) but my merc was always able to tank them, so i would teleport around just for a second to loosen up the tight mob, teleport onto the countess, and let my merc do the work, grab the loot and leave game.

this will make quick work of the countess, allowing you to do runs in under 1 minute.


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May 30, 2003
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Humble, Texas
Blizzard sorc - AKA ...blizzard sorc (PVM/MF)

This is the basic MF Blizzard sorc, in all her glory. Shes a classic and I dont think she needs much of an introduction.

Str - Enough to use gear
dex - Enough to use gear
Life - the rest
mana - none


Helm: Shako (PTopaz, 1mf isnt worth the ist)

Armor: Tals (PTopaz, 1mf isnt worth the ist)

Belt: Tals

Gloves: Magefist

Boots: War Travs

Amulet: Tals

Ring1: SOJ/Nagel (your choice)

Ring2: SOJ/Nagel (your choice)

Weapon1A: Occy (Ist)
Weapon2A: Spirit/rhyme (Depends if you want the mf)
Weapon1B: CTA
Weapon2B: Spirit

1x Panni
1x P sorc torch
4x Cold skillers, or high res gc's (depending on what im mfing at, for meph i go for light and cold skillers, for trav i go with fire, pindle i stick with cold skillers, and baal i stick with cold skillers)
5x SC's with Life, FHR, or gg res for Fire/cold/light

Merc: A2 NM Freeze merc
NOTE: There are 2 options to go with here, its up to you, you can use insight and never worry about mana, or infinite and have to keep mana pots/full juvs in backup, but completely decimate your opponents. if you do trav runs you might want infinite, as full juves come down allt he time from them.
Helm: Shako (Um)
Armor: Eth Bugged Fort
Weapon: Eth CV Insight or Infinite

20 - Cold mastery
20 - Blizzard
20 - Glacial Spike
20 - Ice Blast
20 - Ice bolt
1 - Teleport
1 - Static
1 - Shiver Armor

Normally I max out everything I can first, except for ice bolt, which I only work on after everything else is maxed.

Strats: use her like an mf sorc, if you dont know how to MF then you should probably start playing the game until you discover who mephisto is.


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May 30, 2003
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Humble, Texas
Summon Bone necro - AKA Army men (PVP)

This is that evil necro that teleports everywhere and has a million meat (bone?) shields around him. This is a very very effective dueler, but be warned, this is not a cheap or easy build, you will be past level 90 when your done, but its worth it.

Str: enough to use enigma, then that item will handle the rest
dex: enough to use gear (after all items/charms are counted for)
life: the rest
energy: 50, you need a bit of mana, you can of corse just wear mana/juvs in your belt, and leave this at base


Helm: rare +2 10fcr/20fhr, aim for +2 to necro, but pnb works as well

Armor: BP Enigma

Belt: Arach

Gloves: Magefist

Boots: marrowalk

Weapon1A: HOTO
Weapon2A: Spirit monarch
Weapon1B: CTA
Weapon2B: Spirit

Ring1: 10fcr life/mana/res ring

Ring2: same as ring1

Amulet: Maras works fine, but try to get a +2 with fcr and res rare ring

1x P necro torch
1x P Anni
9x PnB GC's (life or FHR mods are a plus)
10x res/lifers, or life/mana sc's

Merc: now, considering your a revive spamming freak, a merc is not going to bother most of them (at least not anymore than you already are lol) so feel free to get one.
A2 nm Freeze merc
Helm: Shako (UM) or Ber Ber CoA
Armor: Eth BUGGED Fort
Weapon: Eth CV Insight

20 - Teeth
20 - Bone wall
20 - Bone spear
20 - Bone spirit
1 - Bone armor
1 - Bone prison
1 - Corpse explosion
1 - Skeleton summon
1 - skeleton mage
1 - Skele mastery
1 - Clay golem
1 - Revive
1 - Summon mastery
1 - Golem mastery

Once those are done (if ever for some of you) the rest of your points should be put into bone prison. the stronger it is, the better, as it will be the gaurentee kill for anyone not using teleport (smiters, fort barbs, shape shifter druids, assasins that use kick instead of tele, etc etc)

Strat: i honostly would suggest always having a wirts leg and tomb in your stash, so you can create a cow level and go in to get your summons up. If not, go to A2 and run around, or possibly Cold Plains, kill one with bonespirit and create a skeleton, then find a group and have ur skele hold them together while you bonespirit them, kill one off and corpse explosion, this SHOULD kill off a few of them fairly fast, allowing for you to begin a chain reaction with growing you army, rinse and repeat, it takes about a minute or two for me to get my army all together. This is why i like cows, have ur merc tank while you kill a few off, then Corpse explosion a bit (not too much, you want the corpses afterall) and create your army.

Once done, go out and start teleporting like crazy, the insight should keep your mana up, and the minions will glitch ontop of you. now you have nothing to be scared of for hte most part, teleport onto an enemy and either A. Boneprison them if they dont teleport or B. Bonespirit them. if you follow A, after they are boneprisoned just spam the crap out of them with bonespirit. This is the tactic you will use with just about everyone. this is a very effective build, the only problem with it is the rebuilding of your army when revives die off, or if you fight enemies like zons that can crowd control with multi, but to be honost they can normally die before you lose your army, just boneprison them and they are helpless normaly


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May 30, 2003
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Humble, Texas
Poison summoner - AKA ...poison summoner (PVP)

this is a poison summoner, much like the bone summoner, only you have a chance to lethally cripple your opponent at a very fast pace, this requires more in-your face action than the bone summoner as you cant just spam bonespirit from far away distances.

Str: enough to use gear
Dex: Enough to use gear
Life: The rest
Energy: You might need some here, you want to be bale to cast about 10 or so psn novas but still able to teleport quite a bit.if you use an insight merc you may not even worry about mana, so remember that


Helm: Shako w/ 5-5psn facet, or a rare +2/20fcr with psn facet and other mods

Armor: Dusk shroud enigma

Belt: Arachs

Gloves: Trangs

Boots: treks, maro's, or rare with 10+str/fhr/gg res

Amulet: Maras

Ring1: SOJ

Ring2: SOJ

Weapon1A: Deaths web w/ 5-5psn facet
Weapon2A: Magic necro head w/ 5-5psn facet(s) that has +3PnB and 20fcr
Weapon1B: CTA
Weapon2B: Spirit, or if you dont have enough stats, Sigon (Shael)

-P necro torch
-P Anni
-9x PnB GC's (FHR and life mods a plus)
-10x Life/mana/res mod SC's

Merc: just as the summon bone necro, your already massing an army, so dont feel bad to have a merc. you can use insight or infinite, i suggest infinite and just stocking up on potions
Helm: CoA ber ber, or Shako w/ ber or Um
Armor: Eth bugged Fort
Weapon: Eth cv insight or infinite

20 - Poison Dagger
20 - Poison Explosion
20 - Poison Nova
20 - bone spirit
1 - bone armor
1 - bone prison
1 - bone spear
1 - iron maden
1 - decripify
1 - skele summon
1 - skele mage summon
1 - revive
1 - clay golem
1 - summon mastery
1 - golem mastery
1 - Corpse explosion

Once done with that, add the rest into bone spirit or bone prison, your choice really, i personally did it into bone prison (it adds to bone spirit damage)

-Build your army, keep a leg in stash so you can make a cow portal instnatly, psn the crap out of them and shoot out a bone spirit, followed by a corpse explosion to kill a few off, rinse and repeat while building ur army, try to make it under 2 minutes, if you dont use the cow protal go to CP or A2 to build your army
-teleport to get your mobs on you, and BO
-go out, and dont walk, teleport around, this keeps your mobs next to you and thus creating a huge meatshield that will be nearly unstoppable
-when you see an enemy, teleport directly on them and cast your poison nova a few times, this should deplete there life fairly fast, once done teleport on them again and walk just a tad, unleashing your army, this will cause them to swamp the screen and nearly gaurentee he gets hit by them
-after unleashing your army, cast bonespirits all over the place in his area, with your poison having depleted there life, along with the summons surrounding and your bonespirits, hes gaurenteed to lose what little life he has left.

This has to be done fast, as if its a teleporter they can get away unscathed if you dont move quick enough, you can also try to tele infront of them after they have been poisoned and unleash your army prior to him showing up, the goal is to have him teleport directly into your mass of walking undead and get hit.

Also, bone prison is your best friend when dueling anyone who cant teleport, be it a sorc out of mana, a fort barb, or an amazon, just bonewall them, teleport in and poison them a few times, then move so your mob goes nuts inside the little prison, all the while shooting bone spirits. if you want you can psn them and get out, wait a few seconds (while spamming bonespirit) then move in for the kill once there life drops.


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May 30, 2003
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Humble, Texas
Auradin - AKA Lazyboy (PVP)

This is the Auradin, I had some fun with this build before the last reset, and i have to say it was impressive, its pretty funny to be honost, you run around town charging (not at anyone) and they just die...

Str: Just enough to use gear
Dex: enough for max block after holy shield, which shouldnt be much (75% block is max)
Life: everything else
Energy: None


Helm: Dream Bone visage (or any other helm you want, but I like the bonehelm graphics)

Armor: Dragon Duskshroud

Belt: Dungos

Gloves: Dracs, we want the lifetap

Boots: Treks (eth is great)

Amulet: Angelic (set)

Ring1: Angelic (set)

Ring2: Ravenfrost (perfect AR)

Weapon1A: Hand of Justice
Weapon2A: Dream (your choice of what shield to use, I suggest monarch)
Weapon1B: CTA
Weapon2B: Spirit (if you can use it) if not, Sigon (Shael)

-P paly torch
-P Anni
-9x offensive aura GC's (life + fhr are nice mods)
-10x Life/res/fhr/str/ar sc's

Stashed: ALWAYS keep extra items in your stash, there are times where enemies will be able to handle one of your auras (be it fire or lite) so you need to be able to take off that aura, and stack up the other.
-Ber Ber CoA (always a good idea to keep that around)
-Dragon Shield
-sorb rings
-2x BK's
-2x SOJ's
-Enigma dusk shroud (for those times when you need to teleport onto your enemy)

Merc: You can go one of two ways here, conviction, or insight. honostly, they already consider auradins BM in about 90% of duels i go into, so dont feel too bad about this. you need to decide if your going to use insight or infinite on here, because if you go infinite, you can allocate skills elsewhere in your paladin, insight however, will allow you to stay in battles longer before going into town

Act2 nm Freeze
-Helm: Ber Ber CoA or Um/ber Shako
-Armor: Eth Dusk Fort
-Weapon: Eth CV Insight/infinite
20 - resist fire
20 - resist lightning
20 - conviction
20 - Zeal
1 - Charge
1 - holy shield
1 - Vigor

Leftover points can go into Salvation, or holy shield, personally i ilke to add to salvation, because face it, your an auradin, if they can get into your attackzone and hit you, that means your not hurting them, and your probably going to be screwed anyways. Also, if you plan to use a conviction merc, you can ignore conviction and focus on other options such as maxing holy shield if you already did salvation.

Stratagy: Some people ive spoke with, after doing my build, like to keep enigma on to teleport within range of the enemy and circle them, while his merc has conviction going and your items do the auras, i would have suggested this, but i was going for max damage potential, by all means your welcome to do it this way. if not, just charge torward them (With vigor for
uber fast speed) then either A. switch to conviction, or if youve got your merc doing that, B. just keep charging around/charging into them and zealing

Remember, your zeal CAN hurt them, and the aruas are already doing damage, and your merc can give a nasty poke. You have some fair defense, so dont be scared to go in for a kill once in a while, just be careful. for the most part, you can just run up into the enemies area with conviction going and let them die a quick painful death, but try to mix it up or youll get bored with him fast.


Retired Staff
May 30, 2003
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Humble, Texas
Zeal/smiter - AKA the Zmiter (Tristam PVM)

This is a zealadin/smiter hyrbid, but with only one point in smite, this is a very effecient build in trist running, you can choose to use smite if you like, because honostly, the difference between lvl 1 smite and level 20 smite is about 400 damage, so use smite all you want, but zeal gives you a little bit of choice in what you do

20 - Zeal
20 - Sacrifice
20 - Fana
20 - Holy Shield
1 - Salvation

this will give you 1 point into smite (thanks to holyshield) and thus, i did not list it.


Helm: Guillaume's Face (Um, Ber)

Armor: Fort Dusk shroud

Belt: Nosf coil

Gloves: Dracs

Boots: Gore rider

Amulet: Metalgrid

Ring1: Ravenfrost

Ring2: Rare ring w/ high res and dual leech

Weapon1A: Grief Phaseblade
Weaopn2A: Sanctuary (you want this in a gg paly shield like a high res vortex :D)
Weapon1B: CTA (Max BO)
Weapon2B: Spirit or sigon (Shael)

-P Anni
-9xpcombat charms
-10x Res/fhr charms, I suggest res.

Merc: Honostly, i dont see a merc worth having for trist running, as they love to die -.- but if you want one get one

-Go in, zeal some minions to get the lifetap on the boss, once the boss has been lifetapped, hack away at him as you see fit. Rinse and repeat these steps per boss.


Retired Staff
May 30, 2003
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Humble, Texas
Hammerdin - AKA M.C. Hammer (yeah, couldnt think of anything better) (PVM)

This is the build for an MF hammerdin, GREAT for botting/mfing meph, andy, countess, pindle, shenk, the necro dude if you really want, and even baal (i can do all of baals minions, but be warned, baal takes some time himself)

Str: Enough to use gear
Dex: Enough for max block after using Holy shield
Life: everything else
Mana: Nothing

NOTE: I suggest not putting into points until you are about lvl 87, because I never expect to pass 87 on a hammerdin, and this will allow me to see exactly how much dex and str i need after counting all my gear.


Helm: shako (Um or Ptopaz)

Armor: Enigma Dusk shroud

Belt: Arach

Gloves: Magefist

Belt: War Travs

Amulet: Maras

Ring1: SOJ/Nagel (see how well you do, I normally keep nagels on for extra MF, but some people prefer the +skills and mana)

Ring2: SOJ/Nagel (see how well you do, I normally keep nagels on for extra MF, but some people prefer the +skills and mana)

Weapon1A: Hoto (40 res)
Weapon2A: HoZ (upped, Um or Isted)
Weapon1B: CTA
Weaopn2B: Spirit Monarch

OPTIONAL: I personally switched out my CTA and spirit for something else, because I could survive my runs without bo (meph/andy/shenk runs) but you can either not use these, or be willing to do a prebuff before every run) if you DO decide to use these, put them on your second hand slots, and before the monster your MFing dies, switch with the 'w' key

Weapon1C: Alli baba (2x ists)
Weapon2C: Wealth/6ist monarch

-1x Anni
-1x Ptorch
-1x pcombat/offensive gc for every 3 SC's you dont have, though if u can afford pcombats, i think u can afford mf charms :p
-as many MF SC charms as you can get, along with some res if you need it

Merc: this is very important to have in this build, it helps out so much with the mana.
A2 nm freeze merc
Helm: Eth Vamp gaze (Um/ber) or shako(um ber) or CoA (um, ber) personally i like vamp the most, but use shako often due to the extra MF incase he gets a kill on the boss
Armor: Eth bugged Fort
Weapon: Eth CV Insight

20 - Hammers
20 - Concentration
20 - Vigor
20 - Blessed aim
20 - Holy shield
1 - Redemption

Now, you dont have to do redemption, personally i rebuilt without it, but alot of people like it if they baal alot. let holy shield be the last hting you max out, just make sure you have 1 in it ASAP.

-Use the wp of wherever your going, cast your bo, and tele right there, insight means you dont /shouldnt have to worry about mana, just cary 1 row of mana pots in your belt just for an extra boost on those runs that take FOREVER to find mephs lair or countess (obviously not necessary if you have a bot setup)
-go in and jump right ontop of the monster, hammering away with concentration on
-collect loot, sell whats not needed for gold (repairs suck), and remake game.
-personally, i leave the game and sell the stuff in the next one, to save some time and TP's, and do the rounds backwards (IE first round will be Andy, Meph, then shenk, ill gather the loot off shenk and leave game, make new game, sell gear, then go Shenk>Meph> Andy, Gather gear off andy, remake, sell junk, and repeat)


Retired Staff
May 30, 2003
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Humble, Texas
Hammerdin - AKA ...hammerdin (PVP)

This is a very strong PVP character, he has the damage to destroy anyone, and has no obvious or crippling weakness

Str- 174 after all gear is accounted for
Dex - max block after holy shield
vita - Everything else
mana - None


Helm: Ber Ber CoA

Armor: Dusk shroud Enigma

Belt: Arachs belt

Gloves; trang

Boots: Res/str/dex/fhr rare boots

Amulet: Maras

Ring1: Wisp

Ring2: Ravenfrost

Weapon1A: Wizardspike (with high light/fire res, 7FHR, or 15all res jewel)
Weapon2A: Spirit Sacred Targe w/ gg base res
Weapon1B: CTA
Weapon2B: Spirit

-P anni
-P p torch
-Pcombats until you hit 10+K Hammers
-Vita/res/fhr sc's

Stash: Grief zerker

20 - Blessed hammer
20 - Concentration
20 - Vigor
20 - Blessed Aim
20 - Holy Shield
1 - Holy freeze
1 - Charge
1 - resist lightning
1 - resist fire
1 - Resist cold

finish holy shield off last

Your a normal hammerdin, so play like one, teleport in, hit 'em hard, and get out. however you have some nice auras to help when you have to go on the defense, the simple single skillpoint put into the resist aruas means hwen your dealing with ANY of them, you can aura yourself up and take a significant reduction out of them. have fun boys.

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