The only reason I put it in this fourm is because a good portion of this takes advantage of Blizzard's notoriously bad code.
You can beat the game as a level 1 character, regardless of Blizzard's anti-rush system. Here are the steps:
Act 1
- Kill Andariel.
Act 2
- Get cube. You only need to do this in Normal. You can use the rushers cube to transmute the staff for normal and then when you get to Act 3, Travincal, it will drop.
- Get both pieces of the staff.
- Kill the Summoner.
- Kill Duriel. If you can not enter the rushers TP, talk to Cain.
Act 3
- Kill the High Council.
- Kill Mephisto. If you can not enter the rushers TP, talk to Cain.
Act 4
- Kill Diablo.
Act 5
- Kill Baal. Have rusher make an open game called 'Fast Baal Runz' or something along those lines. The trick is to lure a player in that does not have the Baal run yet completed. The person getting rushed waits in town the whole time. The person who is getting rushed should get the quest.
Ok, now you have a level 1 character in Hell. Let's get him some levels.
Hell is insanely fast to level a low levle character. Take him to the Chaos Sanctuary, he will gain around 2-3 levels per 4 min run, then at level 25 he will gain around 5-6 levels per run until he's level 40, then down to around 4 levels per run until around 55, then it's 2 or 3 level per run.. so Hell is extremely fast leveling for a low level char
A good team of three people should be able to have a character to level 80 in 8 hours or less.
Credit for these methods goes to Invalid_session from Blizzhackers and some dude off of the forums.
You can beat the game as a level 1 character, regardless of Blizzard's anti-rush system. Here are the steps:
Act 1
- Kill Andariel.
Act 2
- Get cube. You only need to do this in Normal. You can use the rushers cube to transmute the staff for normal and then when you get to Act 3, Travincal, it will drop.
- Get both pieces of the staff.
- Kill the Summoner.
- Kill Duriel. If you can not enter the rushers TP, talk to Cain.
Act 3
- Kill the High Council.
- Kill Mephisto. If you can not enter the rushers TP, talk to Cain.
Act 4
- Kill Diablo.
Act 5
- Kill Baal. Have rusher make an open game called 'Fast Baal Runz' or something along those lines. The trick is to lure a player in that does not have the Baal run yet completed. The person getting rushed waits in town the whole time. The person who is getting rushed should get the quest.
Ok, now you have a level 1 character in Hell. Let's get him some levels.
Hell is insanely fast to level a low levle character. Take him to the Chaos Sanctuary, he will gain around 2-3 levels per 4 min run, then at level 25 he will gain around 5-6 levels per run until he's level 40, then down to around 4 levels per run until around 55, then it's 2 or 3 level per run.. so Hell is extremely fast leveling for a low level char
A good team of three people should be able to have a character to level 80 in 8 hours or less.
Credit for these methods goes to Invalid_session from Blizzhackers and some dude off of the forums.