Roll a Mage. Either a Troll, UD or Human. Troll for the berserking, UD for the Will of the Forsaken, Human for the spirit/rep bonus. Mages are (afaik) the LEAST gold dependant.
You don't HAVE to train in all your skills every level (hell, I'm still missing a ton of Firebolts and other crap I won't ever use on my 70 mage), you get free water/food (which costs a tonnnnn in the longrun of you're not a mage. It sucks, hardcore) and you don't have to go to the AH every two or three levels to get new gear because you can't tank or DPS fast enough to kill mobs.
Plus we can AoE farm and farm period better than nearly every other class (rogues are a little better for boss farming, but not much) in instance farming and such. I'm not sure about the prices now a days because of BC, but I can tell you that when Linen stacks sold for 40s and Woll stacks for 60s on my sever, as well as copper bar stacks selling for 1.1g and tin stacks for 1.5g, if I EVER needed money (not that I did, I'm gifted like that) I'de just run through VC and kill everything. Loot all the cloth off the mobs, take all the ores that I could, and be done with it.
You could also run people through for say 1.5g a piece. Get a group of 5 togetyher and thats 7.5g you can make in under an hour (though you can make that by leveling and selling shit in Outlands). Hell, I have a monopoly on it on my server (afaik). I get so many under 20's sending me tells all the time because I run a VC run in 15 minutes flat with Molten Armor and Arcane speced Arc Exp.
You could also play the auctionhouse game, but since you're a WoW noob, I don't recommened it. It's very healthy money, but it costs around 5-700 to really get to where you're making a profit, and you gotta be willing to lose the 700 for a badly bought item. Renzoken made a thread about it some time ago, so if you want you can look there.
Any other questions and I'm sure you won't ever post them because you're probably not ever going to return but meh.