ok some files you can dl well open you editor import everything if your file came with a readme ( should ) there is a thing near the bottem like units\nightelf\HeroDemonHunter\HeroDemonHunter or this file Textures\HeroDemonHunter ok if u should use a custum path check the box ( by double clickin ur thing for ( imported file ) if i wanted it to look like a demon hunter set it to this units\nightelf\HeroDemonHunter\HeroDemonHunter then go to edit units click on custem past the link in it thats how to import those the texture files 4 awsome ok do the same thing in sentece 4 and import ur texture file and click it 2 times if it told u to set Textures\HeroDemonHunter name ur import file that then make a demon hunter or what ever skin u got srry if i didnt help u and u owe me a doller :frustrate
my site www.freewebs.com/wariiimapz
my site www.freewebs.com/wariiimapz