Here is my happy little example (dunno if this is better than silent's or not)
Switches are like lights, they are ON (set) or OFF (cleared).
They can be used as condidtions, or actions, for example:
There is a bomb factory, after you UNIT passes near the bomb factory, the game has to REMEMBER that the UNIT was there, this is a good time to use a switch.
Player 1
Player 1 brings 1 unit to location "NEAR BOMB FACTORY"
Set switch "Unit has been to factory"
Now, the switch has been SET, say that if a unit comes near to another building, it drops the bomb and the building blows up, BUT you only want this to happen if the UNIT has been to the factory before:
Player 1
Player 1 brings UNIT to "near 2nd building"
Switch "Unit has been to factory" is SET
Destroy all BUILDINGS at "near 2nd building"
If that didnt' help you, i dunno what will.\
someone asked this:
1. how to make the triggers ( for the exploding sequences u need to get past, the fire walls, etc.
You make units, then kill them for the explosiosn (you also kill any of the bound units owned by the playrs who are int he locations at the same time)
firewalls are ez, you center a location on your zergling for e.g., then when a fire wall unit enters the location, you kill the zergling.
2. if i can make triggers with scmdraft or if i will have to get a different editor
get sc x-tra at
3. and if u have any ideas, plz tell me
ideas fo what?