my timeline-
-got sc after I saw my brothers friend (the laziest fk you have ever seen) brought it to my house and installed it on my comp in '99. I think he brought it over in june, and I got it in september '99 (for my birthday!)
-Got really amazing at melee, that there was absolutly no point of playing the comp (didn't go on the internet) after around 6 months after I got it (so like Feburaryish '00).
-After about 2 months not playing it, I actually read the box, saying FREE so I started playing on (April '00)
-I got pretty good at massing goons, and I convinced my friend to buy it after about 3 months of hogging the phone (July '00)
-He got a new SWEEEET ass comp and started playing cs (he still has the comp, but upgraded to sh!t - duel 1.7ghz AMD Athlons(not sure about this anymore, he just upgraded it today!), a graphics card better than gforce 4 (some freekydeeky name), 21 inch monitor, 1gig of ram, 80gigs of mem) which was about 16 months ago
-after he left, I started making maps (so around August? of 01)
-quit making maps after about 2 maps cause they took too damn long
-friend called me up and asked if I wanted to play starcraft again (2 days before my birthday(26th of sept)'01)
-played starcraft for about 1 year and 6 months, got into making maps again at around july to take some time off my hands '02
-stopped playin sc for a bit (like 3 months) and didn't make any maps
-started playing SC UMS about 1 month after I stopped playing
-in about May of last year I started making maps, like full time type thing.
-here I am, so from may last year, its about 15 months (don't make maps anymore, just help people