all ive found is a lame jewel and uniqe scale mail. yet though me being a noob dont got bot :\hell i used to think i understood this stuff now i feel like a moron basicly.../what bot you use anyways jason? can you post a link?
hmmm new problem i got jed 2.01 but it wont pick up any uniqes i saw a pair of uniqe greater talons drop but it just exited game im woryd it might do this with wf that and he wont kill pindel he does eldritce and or shrike and or if they are both imune pindel same as you jason i think :\
LOl, very first run(#1) i found a baranars star... But I don't class that as decent anymore, i have at least 10 of them on mules... I found a grandfather a couple days ago.
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