dont know if its included with JED, but u need the 3 letter item conversion list... ill attach it to this, find the item u want, then type it in this format:
// PickitItem("code", "desc", id, "qual", pkup, sock, eth, log);
// code = Three letter item code (found in the attached file)
// desc = Item description (in quotes)
// id = Item is IDed (0=no, 1=yes, 2=either)
// qual = Item quality (UNIQUE, SET, RARE, MAGIC, SUPERIOR, NORMAL)
// pkup = Pickup item (0=no, 1=yes)
// sock = Item is socketed/number of sockets (0=any, >0 is number sockets minumum)
// eth = Item is ethereal (0=no, 1=yes, 2=either)
// log = Log item (0=no, 1=yes)
most of your items should look like this:
// Unique Colossus Blade
PickitItem("7gd", "The Grandfather", 2, "UNIQUE", 1, 0, 2, 1);
the last 5 numbers r probably alright as is for any items, all you have to change is the description and the 3 letter code... and maybe the UNIQUE or whatever.