How do i play?



i must be the biggest newbie of the forums lol. its just that this is the hugest kind ive ever seen in my entire life and i dont know what is what. so can anyone please help me?


:rollie lol


Retired Staff
Nov 11, 2002
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London, United Kingdom
Load it uup. Left-click to move, left-click monster to attack, hit 'S' to assign spells or whatever, right-click to cast spell, run around, pick up items, remember that magic>normal weapons, blah blah, complete D2, read the forums, there's a bunch of gosus around. Get the idea?

Must be one of the easiest games ever.


Jan 6, 2004
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dP's Warehouse
dP's Ultimate Guide to Playing Diablo

YES I did write this... since im very bored.

Okay... so you want to learn how to play Diablo II?

Start by clicking 'Start'. Go to Diablo II and select the Diablo II button.

Diablo II should load up now. Then there should be a menu. Select 'Single Player' for now.

You will see that you have no characters. So click 'New Character' and there should be 7 characters. For now, choose the Amazon, the blonde warrior wielding the javelins in on the far left.

You should start in Rogue Encampment. To move to another location, simply click your left mouse button. There should be a man in blue with a '!' on the top of his head. Put your mouse over him. His name is Warriv. Click your left button to talk to him. He will advise you to go to Akara. She is on the east side of town. If you have trouble finding her, you could always press 'Tab', clicking the Map button on the menu, or simply pressing the 'Mouse 3' button to activate the map. She will give you the first quest.

Go outside in the wilderness and you should see a monster nearby. If you dont, just keep looking. You should see a monster. Go up to it and click on the monster and hold with the right mouse button. Your amazon should start jabbing the monster, killing it. This is called melee combat.

Now, press 'S' or click on the bottom left of the screen to select a skill. For now, you only have Attack and Throw. Choose throw and go up to another monster. This time, left click and your amazon should have thrown one of her javelins. This is called ranged combat.

Soon enough you will level up and 2 red buttons will appear. Press the left one and choose the desired stat point you want. Press the right and choose a skill.

Locate the Den of Evil and kill all monsters in there, soon enough you will find other weapons,regular weapons (white) some magic items (blue) maybe some rare items (yellow) or maybe even a set item (green) or even rarely a unique item(gold) or any drinking/throwing potions.

If you find a magic/set/rare/unique item, you could always idenify it to equip it. Just press (phew tired form all this typing) your inventory button and right click on the red scroll, the left click the desired item you want to identify

After the quest, you may walk back to town, or take a town portal. Just go to the inventory and right click the blue scoll and a portal will appear. Click on it and you will be at the town.

Phew... my fingers hurt... thats the basics...


Premium Member
Jan 19, 2004
Reaction score
^ stfu with "hes 100% right" actually, hes jus telling the dude the first quest.

Jus click on monitor, you know, left side of the pic = left click to use, right side of pic = righ click to cast

Left click on the map to move, blah blah, read manual, jus play the game, you'll eventually get it, this is how i got to play.


Jun 13, 2003
Reaction score
you click on stuff till they die using the same skills over and over agian. just stay away from scammers and dont do anything they tell you to do.

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