HolyDivine v5.3 by AgentGOD
Special Thanks to:
Permaphrost (For Character Crash Protection & Save Game Crash Protection)
*2 hacks were revised by Permaphrost
Sinful (website and stuff)
* - 0x0C Crash Hack
F5 - Attack Hover Crash
Shift + 1 - 6, Save Game - Save Game Crash
F8 - AHI Overflow
F12 - Lag Defender Toggle
Delete - MapHack Toggle (Disabled for ZMH)
End - Null Drop Timer
Home - Packet Freeze
Pause - Color Hack Toggle
+ - Lobby Unban Hack
~ - MultiCommand
Command Hacks:
F6 - Drone Float Hack
F7 - Unit Suicide
F11 - Add-On Crash, Drone, SCV, Probe Build Hacks, Fast Build, Instant Mining for Minerals and Gases, Infest CC from anywhere.
/finger - Sends them the finger.
/jesus - Jesus hates you.
/nazi - NAZI Symbol
/naked - Naked.
/cheat - Fake Cheat
/nuke - Fake Nuke
/fakebnet - Fake Disconnect Message.
/ - Fake Inhale Maphack
/imp <player id> - Choose Person to Impersonate
/msg <message here> - Send the message with the selected person.
Chat Commands:
/statshack - Displays everyone's resources on screen.
/bnethack - Works only in channels, Removes Ads, and Channel Restrictions.
/holyhelp - Brings up help menu.
/crashlog - Shows number of crash attempts for each type of crash.
/holycommands - Displays all the commands of HolyDivine.
/kill - Kills the selected unit (same as F7)
/ahi - Performs Attack Hover Incomplete crash (same as F5)
/0x0c - Performs 0x0C crash (same as *)
/spoof *name* - Name Spoofer, type in channel.
/listplayers - Displays all the players in the game.
/buildanywhere - Toggles Build Anywhere for PROTOSS only.
/fastest - Sets the gameplay speed to fastest possible.
/normal - Restores the speed to fastest.
/ahispam - Does AHI 5000 times in 3 seconds.
/lst - A player list for drop hack.
/disc <player number> - Allows you to drop a certain player.
/alert - Toggles alerts.
/exec <command id> - Allows you to execute your own command.
/pause <time in milliseconds> - Allows you to pause the game.
/virus - Scrolls a fake virus advert.
/advert - Scrolls Ultimate-Filez animation.
/minalert - Toggles mineral alert.
/sniper - Toggles Sniper Maphack (Make sure Insert is at off!)
/vulture - Crashes players with vulture.
/showlist - Publicily Shows list of players.
/nr10, 15, 20 - Allows you to set the no rush timer.
/nroff - Turns off rush timer.
/infest - Turns on Infest From anywhere.
/left <player id> - Use /list to make someone leave.
Offline Hacks:
/offline - Enables offline mode hacks.
/mineral <value> - Sets your minerals to the specified value.
/gas <value> - Sets your gas to the specified value.
/stack - Stack Hack, allows you to stack buildings on top of each other.
/killplayer <player number> - Use /listplayers to find number, this will make that player lose.
/superprobe - Makes probes do 9999 dmg.
/superscv - Makes scvs do 9999 dmg.
/superdrone - Makes drones do 9999 dmg.
Extra Features:
Attack Hover Incomplete Protection *Featuring On Screen Detection! (Scrolling was fixed)
Save Game Crash Protection
0x0C Character Crash Protection
Stay-Alive Hack
Map Download Status Toggleable
Instant Drop
Command Hacks are Toggleable.
One-Time Stack Hack
Larva Hack
Worker Transport Hack
Color Hack
Numpad 1 to 8 - Race Changer for Player slots 1 to 8.
Numpad 9 - Host Hack