Fave game-consul games:
ff tactics advanced
starfox (for the old 64! that game owned!)
starfox (for the snes)
panzer dragoon zwie (for the old and forgotten SEGA saturn-set basis for sony's playstation)
gta vice city
007:Everything or nothing
fave pc games:
fave online games:
Times of Conquests
Elder ages
fave card game:
black jack
call me weird, but my friends have me hooked onto the Yu-gi-oh crap-the pictures are pretty cool-there all fantasy images which is the kind of stuff im into-like dragons, chimairas, gryphons, sprites-i even have my own deck for it...the thing is im GOOD)
fave RPG game:
well, no actual faves, but ive played
starwars (fun..)
dungeons and dragons(my paladin was pawnage!)
shadow run (we did like 2 runs)
and somin else...
(i always played these 3 with a group of about 5-8 people during lunch at school last semester)