How to THINK in combat:
If opponent went mass rifles for your frosties, obviously you are going to want to use carrion swarm on his units, as well as a frost nova in the center of them. This goes for priests, and sorceresses as well who have few hit points, and will die easily. Once you have triple hero, and Frosties, non tier 3 units will die VERY easily. If your opponent made knights and is dumb enough to engage vs you and your frosties, obviously you should be pulling your heroes back while frosties fire at them, but make sure you are casting spells on them (Carrion Swarm, Death Coil, Frost Nova).
How to take Out An Opponents base with Towers: This is good for ziggarats, and orc towers as well.
Here is a part I do masterfully. Lets say you have 6 frosties, and 3 heroes. your hotkeys should be the following
1- DK
3- DL
4- All 6 Frosties
5,6,7,8,9,0- Each Frostie Individually.
When you move around the map with your army, you can easily use the minimap and do the following
1 + a + left click, 2 + a + left click, 3 + a + left click, 4 + a + left click
Considering you are using the above hotkeys you will send all 3 of your heroes and frosties to attack anything it bumps into on the way to your location. So you are ready to attacking a base, and the human has placed 5 TOWERS! Did you know the frosties freezing breath stops building production/as well as utilization.(in other wise the towers that are frozen won't shoot at you) Simply, use every individual hotkey for your frosties while targeting each tower individually, freezing every single one.
you do not need to waste time hitting a + left clicking the tower in this scenario, you may just do:
5 + right click 1st tower 6 + right click 2nd tower 7 + right click 3rd tower 8 + right click 4th tower 9 + right click 5th tower
This will render EVERY tower in his base useless.
VERY VERY V E R Y IMPORTANT NOTE: If your opponent town portals in with ANY anti air, IMMEDIATELY RETREAT/TP your whole army out of there, for your frosties will be killed by his anti air while targeting the towers, and even if you stop targeting towers, they will be back to shooting you ASAP.
**Vs every race, try to keep your heroes inventories full of scrolls of healing, dispel wands, and at least 1 scroll of protection. They are worth every GOLD COIN!
Undead vs Night Elves
Demon Hunter: Mana Burn is what you must watch out for. Try to waste mana when in presence of DH always. If engagement occurs, throw a death coil out at him or a night elf unit. Trick is to dump all the mana you can. Immolation is chobo, and it does NOT OWN GHOULS (ask crunch-time about this, he will explain) if he is using immolation, he will be forced to run right up front to your ghouls, surround him and kill asap with concentrated ghoul attacks and death coil.
Keeper Of The Grove: Great at abusing units with his imbalanced entangle.(Thanks again Blizzard) early engagement vs a keeper and huntresses needs to be AVOIDED AT ALL COSTS! however, once your 2nd hero is out, abuse the shit out of him with coil/frost nova, we'll see how long this imbalanced hero sits around entangling you. >

Dispel Wand OWNS KOTG. Entangle = GG dispel wand, Treants, which shouldn't be a problem anyways gets GG'ed by dispel wand. Since this strategy utilizes early teching, you will have ghoul frenzy asap, and ghouls with frenzy OWNS huntresses(another imbalanced bitch, thanks Blizzard)
POTM: If you see this bitch early, your opponent is a newbie. However if you see this bitch approaching level 6, you know you are going to need a sleep spell to stop Starfall, the most powerful level 6 spell in the game(Thanks once again Blizzard) If the bitch uses an invuln potion and than casts it, just run away and accept your losses...or unsummon everything and gain whatever you can.
Archers: Get owned by frosties, ghouls, triple hero
Huntresses: Early game, shouldn't be engaged with, if your opponent has large numbers of these skilless imbalanced, talentless bitches.(Do you think I have been scarred by these whores before) Remember you can always town portal are going to have 3 of them anyways because of your heroes.
Ballista: Will force you to attack your opponents army without the benefits of your ziggarats. Only thing I can say is, Get mass ghouls and upgrade them from your graveyard asap. You can use Frost Nova on Ballista anyways.
Druid of the Claw: NP ghouls own them in small numbers
Druid of The Talon: cyclone doesn't work vs air, thanks, wow did my carrion swarm kill 5 of them? oops! ;p
Bears: By the time your opponent has these, you can have
Chimera: Can't hit air? Have fun FROSTIES.
Dryads: Ugh these whores own..all I can say is target them individually with frosties taking them out 1 by 1 with careful death coil healing..I never lost to mass dryads/archers with frosties ever.
Undead Vs Orc
Blademaster: His Mirror Images is his only frightening thing, thanks DISPEL WAND!
Far Seer: Feral Spirits absorbing damage? Np, THANKS DISPEL WAND(see a pattern here)
Tauren Chieftain: This sex beast must be avoided! Stomp owns ghouls, shockwave can hurt ghouls as well. In micro wars vs TC, try to keep army back and heroes in front. If his army pulls in, thats either when you decide that you can kill TC, or do not want to engage with this sexy bastard early. Late Game, you can take him out with "PoT-TiMe's Infamous Insta-Hero Kill Microsequence" and/or frosties.
Grunts: If you see those , avoid early confrontation(they only have 4 million hitpoints ;\ ) Just be satisfied that you know you will win once you get frosties...for he has a barracks which I never make with orc.
Head Hunters: Thanks for making these newbie! Even when lusted they still get owned by Frosties! Add a dispel wand(for lust), and turn your bruise, into a scrape. this is the most obvious choice for orcs if you go air and they have a barracks
Catapults: UGH!!! Time for a super micro war! GL! If you managed to get your Black Citadel up, you may want to make 1 Gargoyle, and considering you have three heroes, and he has no headhunters yet, you can attack the catapult with garg. He will move far seer foward(which has few hitpoints) and you can try to pull "PoT-TiMe's Infamous Insta-Hero Kill Microsequence"
Shamans: Use Carrion Swarm, and Dispel Wands on them(they tend to bunch up which makes them easy to target many with 1 use of wand) Also they waste a LOT of time casting lust during a battle, and considering that you use dispel wand, you can constantly make them freeze to recast it. Try sending in Dread Lord In front with Death Knight..have frosties fight from back, it will be nearly impossible for him to target frosties individually with shamans, and even if he manages to do so, Death COIL heals 600?? thnx.
Witch Doctors: Heal Ward << Dispel Wand (Wow these dispel wands are vital to victory)
Wyverns: 2 Crypt Fiends, + web on autocast. If your micro sucks, make 3-4 of them to play this safe. This is what most top orc players have done to me when I go frosties.
Kodo Beast: didn't go aboms, you can kill him asap to get rid of aura...I've never seen a top orc use one of these yet.
Raiders: Why has a top orc never done this vs my frosties? They have net which can pull down a frostie. However thank god, they must micro them, and ensnare isn't an autocasted spell. Anyways Dispel Wand should own this bad...maybe this is why top Orcs dont go raiders.
Taurens: Owned By Piercing Frosties... 150% damage isn't necesary, but it will kill them just that many seconds faster. ( ^ _ ^ )
Vs orc I always like to take out heroes asap with "PoT-TiMe's Infamous Insta-Hero Kill Microsequence" Its just so easy to kill a blademaster once you dispel his images...and if you catch him before he makes just got lucky to get quick kill on his ass...Please notice with "PoT-TiMe's Infamous Insta-Hero Kill Microsequence" that the frost nova spell WILL slow him down(spell works like a sorceress slow spell as well as dmging them..OUCH!) enough that you can run your death knight up a little considering he is running back and throw another coil before he runs behind his army.
Undead Vs Undead
I like to go Dread Lord before Death Knight here. Carrion Swarm Just rocks with early engagements of ghouls. Please do not research sleep. If he sleeps your hero, hit him with a ghoul. Also Late Game, Inferno Just kicks ass on ghouls, and considering UD is the only race which Tier 1 is REALLY effective late game, this is important. Use carrion swarm freely to creep without worrying about saving it for an engagement with his army. Lich is a great 2nd hero choice because frost nova just owns ghouls.
Now you ask yourself......what do I build?
Ghouls Own Fiends,
Fiends Own Frosties,
Frosties Own Ghouls,
Necromancers Cripple Owns Frosties,
Banshees Own Frosties when they are netted to the ground with possesion.
What shall I do?