Here's what I think could help:
a) Get new content. It's a Blizzard Forum, indeed, but out of four games three are nearly dead. You will want more content, seriously. Get updated on what popular games are out there, and get dedicated people to do research and build a fine forum with stickies and stuff for it. Of course, there's no more dedicated people since they've all been banned or are afraid of being banned. Which leads to the second point:
b) Despite all you may think, banning people for the pettiest things is not a good strategy. You're getting rid of mostly dedicated members (even if the reason to ban them is valid), which also have friends here, and those friends regret what is done. I understand you may not like people disagreeing with you, but if you're gonna censor people at least use the split/delete function, instead of being just lazy and banning people. It's bad for the forum's moral.
c) Advertise the forums, badly. Hardly new members coming in (and if someone mentions we have 235356236 guests online, I'll shoot you), so it means people just can't find this site. I would say you should put us back into, even if that site's biased. As well as trying out advertising bots in Battle.Net, and putting BF in all StarCraft sites indexes you can find out about.
d) This skin. It isn't bad, I actually like it, but it seems to have been done by someone on a 800 x 600 screen. Here, I'll post a screenshot of how much useless space I have:
Plus, the poll is not working, and that bar is just ridiculous. Do move the User CP - Members - Calendar etc links in the top part of the main window to the bar. Makes more sense. And what the hell is that Policies link still doing there? Silly ideas from Eric shouldn't be used.
Anyway, this is what I can remember at the moment.