sorry for double posring, but no1 answerd me before.
I have a probem, i am really sorry if there has alraedy been a post like this, if there has just give me a link to it.
First of all, I have cs 1.5,
when i click on net games it just show a lot of ip numbers, with no map, serever or game names. it says half life for everyone, and has 0/0 players on each game. When i clikc refresh, it takes like 10 minutes to find all the servers, but after that it just shows all of them like i have described on top. It also used to try 4 times to connect to other servers before this(when i actually saw the names of the game and amount of people) but then it couldn't and the reason was "couldnt connect"
another porblem i have, is that i want to play with my friend only, but when he tells me the i.p. of his game that he made, i type it in on "add server" and afterwards it says that it cant connect. Maybe Im not typing it in right or maybe he is getting it wrong, im not even sure that im getting it from the right place.
If anyone can help me, ill be really greatful,
btw the reason i dont have steam is because i used to have it and it screwed up my computer, so i dont need it.
I have a probem, i am really sorry if there has alraedy been a post like this, if there has just give me a link to it.
First of all, I have cs 1.5,
when i click on net games it just show a lot of ip numbers, with no map, serever or game names. it says half life for everyone, and has 0/0 players on each game. When i clikc refresh, it takes like 10 minutes to find all the servers, but after that it just shows all of them like i have described on top. It also used to try 4 times to connect to other servers before this(when i actually saw the names of the game and amount of people) but then it couldn't and the reason was "couldnt connect"
another porblem i have, is that i want to play with my friend only, but when he tells me the i.p. of his game that he made, i type it in on "add server" and afterwards it says that it cant connect. Maybe Im not typing it in right or maybe he is getting it wrong, im not even sure that im getting it from the right place.
If anyone can help me, ill be really greatful,
btw the reason i dont have steam is because i used to have it and it screwed up my computer, so i dont need it.