i recommend a ss unless u can pull off 50% dr with the rest of your gear. if u can, by all means please do. extra % chance to life tap on exile is godly.
Razor's Edge (get an etheral if u do)
One-Hand Damage: (90-107) To (159-188) (124.5-147.5 Avg)
Required Level: 67
Required Strength: 125
Required Dexterity: 67
Durability: 28
Weapon Speed: [0]
+175-225% Enhanced Damage (varies)
+40% Increased Attack Speed
-33% Target Defense
50% Deadly Strike
50% Chance of Open Wounds
this has basically everything...but u own a eth dc as well....i still like this better...ur dicision.
go with coa (2 soccet).
if u rather use exile u can pop 2 ber runes in this and nearly be set.
ur gunna have to have some different options in your stash.
angelic set for high deffense barbs and other palis.
dwarf stars for fire peeps
wisps for lightning peeps
highlords for ds
ravens for cold peeps
ect...w/e im missing
your armor is fine...i like valors but its up to you.
gores if u need even more ds, travs if u have enough...u dont really need treks but w/e floats ur boat.
definitely dracs. no other option.
cta/lid on switch of course.
oh..and keep a demons limb in ur stash...it helps a lot.
hoped this helped. :fwink