djnat said:
Kicker: max Dragon Tail, Tiger Strike, Claw Mastery, Shadow Master. All the rest into BoS (necessary points to have the BP you want).
If you want, you can max Claws of thunder / Phoenix Strike (and subtract some points from Shadow Master) instead of maxing Tiger Strike if you don't like it.
nuff said, but I dont agree with phoenix strike and stuff, and 1 pt in dragon flight to tele.
btw you must have SS or shield taht gives resist and high blocking, and I wouldnt max venom, BoS instead, or put rest of points into venom.
Heres what I did for mine, it may sound crazy, but it works fine
Str: item requirement
Dex: rest
vit: 70~150 (I put 70)
energy: base
Why rest to dex? You need blocking (easily achieved) and AR and dmg (dex = dmg for kickers)
Helm: Psn faceted vamp gaze. (+4% psn dmg, -4% enemy psn resistance)
Gloves: Trangs (+25% psn dmg)
^^^^These are for amping venom^^^^^^^^
Boots: ? (Suggestions)
Rings: Was gonna go with Manalds for the leech, but I still don't know yet.
Wep 1: Bartuc's
Wep 2: Jade Talon for the resist. (Might use another Bartuc's)
Ammy: Undecided
Armor: Hmm, this is a toughy, most likely Nat's
Heres better solution for you, maybe expensive, but oh well
Helm: Andy's helm
Gloves: Rare/Crafted 2 martial arts, 20IAS etc..
Boots: Perf Shadow dancer
2 Rings: 100 or more AR, 7 Life/mana leech, + str, and resists
Weap 1: Eth'd upg Bartucs, or something else
Shield: Um'd SS
Ammy: Highlord's
Armor: CoH or w/e the name is, I forget
belt: verdungo's, or Titan
charms: Anni, Martial arts skill charms, 3/20/20 (or close to it) and 4 all resist scs if you dont have enought resistances, Im sure you will have them tho...
For the moment, i got dracules gloves. My "dream" gloves is some rare gloves with +2 skills to martial arts, some dex, then some critical strike or open wounds or something.
From ebay's thread, and I have that dream glove, just do crafting.