Originally posted by Jimstick
Im not quite sure what your asking for, do you want the units to just keep respawning even if the origional doesn't die or do you want a unit to spawn only after it dies? From your last post it doesn't seem like you want all of the extra units, so if you want it to respawn units after they die then tassadar920's trigger would work. I'd make the trigger look something like this:
---generic unit event - a unit is killed
---dying unit belongs to player "whatever player the enemy is"
---Wait "however long you want the respawn to take"
---unit - create 1 unit-type of dying unit for "whatever player the enemy is" at position of dying unit
This should work
Thats about what i thought of yeah, however it was too much work to create 1 trigger per unit to spawn(since i was going to have at least 300 units or so...). So i made my spawning system like this (if anyone wondered):
Time - Every 5.00 seconds of game time
(Number of units in (Units in Region 001 <gen> owned by Neutral Hostile)) Less than or equal to 20
Set RANDOM_unit = (Random integer number between 1 and 10)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
RANDOM_unit Less than or equal to 4
Then - Actions
Unit - Create 1 Gnoll for Neutral Hostile at (Random point in Region 001 <gen>) facing Default building facing degrees
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
RANDOM_unit Less than or equal to 8
Then - Actions
Unit - Create 1 Gnoll Poacher for Neutral Hostile at (Random point in Region 001 <gen>) facing Default building facing degrees
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
RANDOM_unit Less than or equal to 10
Then - Actions
Unit - Create 1 Gnoll Brute for Neutral Hostile at (Random point in Region 001 <gen>) facing Default building facing degrees
Else - Actions
Do nothing
Ty for help