i play on useast and i need two people to help me scam if you are interseted i will spit the items with you and if you are interested email me at bigyellowhead76@yahoo.com
If your going to become one of the hackers, or already are, on LOD, just $@#! off and stop. It's people like you that take the fun and dexterity out of games.
sin316 i hate how u pretend to be a mod. I dont know why its just so annouying how you pretend to be a mod... maybe b/c to me you look like ur trying to say ur better then everyone else and u deserve to control our ability to speak? is that it?
dont even try blind all it doea is auto map keys for sending packets..once i tell u the dupe thing u will understand..its still a fluke i almost got it tho!
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