I'm working on a TD in which I want to toss Napalm balls from a catapult. The projectile speed is slower to give the effect of flaming balls being flung about. When they hit the ground (target), I want to create a flame strike effect, either by triggering an actual flame strike ability to create a persistent damage effect or simply creating the special effect at the right location and using the attack parameters for damage.
I though this would be routine and had seen other TDs (like Wintermaul) do something similar. But, it seems that they trigger the special effect when a unit is attacked using a trigger event. Using this model, I developed the following:
Unit - A unit owned by Player 12 (Brown) Is attacked
(Unit-type of (Attacking unit)) Equal to Napalm Catapult (Fire)
Special Effect - Create a special effect at (Position of (Attacked unit)) using Abilities\Spells\Human\FlameStrike\FlameStrike1.mdl
Unfortunately, this causes the effect to occur immediately upon the initialization of the attack (i.e. when the napalm is launched) and not when it actually impacts the target. In Wintermaul, for example, this problem is avoided by using a very fast projectile speed (10000) so the delay in imperceptible. I also cannot find an event for when a unit takes damage from (instead is attacked by) a specific unit.
Any ideas how to implement this?
I though this would be routine and had seen other TDs (like Wintermaul) do something similar. But, it seems that they trigger the special effect when a unit is attacked using a trigger event. Using this model, I developed the following:
Unit - A unit owned by Player 12 (Brown) Is attacked
(Unit-type of (Attacking unit)) Equal to Napalm Catapult (Fire)
Special Effect - Create a special effect at (Position of (Attacked unit)) using Abilities\Spells\Human\FlameStrike\FlameStrike1.mdl
Unfortunately, this causes the effect to occur immediately upon the initialization of the attack (i.e. when the napalm is launched) and not when it actually impacts the target. In Wintermaul, for example, this problem is avoided by using a very fast projectile speed (10000) so the delay in imperceptible. I also cannot find an event for when a unit takes damage from (instead is attacked by) a specific unit.
Any ideas how to implement this?