; Don't remove this first line, it avoids an unicode bug in win32 api
; Default section should be the first section of the ini
; Realm Selection: 0 = No realm selection -skiptobnet is added to command line
; 1 means first realm in list
; 2 means second realm in list
; etc
; SubRealm Selection: 0 No SubRealm selection
; same of above, usefull for asian realm, note this feature is still experimental
; since often the ok button disappears, then a double click on char is sent
; also delays are excessive, but my connection is so slow on realm Asia
; MuleMode 0/1 (only in default section), this will run all sessions sequentially
; and for each account defined in each session, all chars will be selected
; and for each char one game will be created, usefull for scripts like muleinv
; AutoStart 0/1 (only in default section) with 1 the gui will start the work when started, 0 will wait for a start command