kii Hi im new to sc and i really like rpgs and can ne1 post sum i like ne i really like dbz 1s tho and 1 more thing can ne1 help me with isom i dont no the filter thing and bah :wavey
1. Close all map editors
2. Open Isom
3. Load map into Isom
4. Put the number 0 in the box with byte selected
5. Click write
6. Save your map under a new name with the file extention (.scm or .scx at the end)
7. Close Isom
8. Open your map in your standard editor and have fun.
Isom can't make sqaure tiles, you will need SCM Draft or Star Forge. You can find links in the Sticky thread "Map Making FAQ - Triggers, Links, FAQ & A - READ BEFORE POSTING "
By the way, ISOM isn't a very good square terrain maker to have. I'd say either SCM Draft Beta, SCM Draft Alpha, GUEdit, or StarForge. They can all be found on the sticky labeled: "Map Making FAQ - Triggers, Links, FAQ & A - READ BEFORE POSTING" as Bolt_Head said. Hey, I make a rhyme every time!
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