HI GUYS!!!! DIS IS *godz_phate FROM USEAST AND IM JUST WONDERIN SINCE ALL MY Gamefaqs friends have switched to WC3 and im lookin for help on my ith prog (da prog requires 2 ppl.......one gets disconnected after a 2 minute process...other claims a ith item.......and o ya my prog isnt one of dos shitty scams dat like da ppl say da ith just appears my prog creates a silence item (which i wont tell u how...) and then removes da runes from da silence (and it dont use d2hackit and it aint patched like da old ith makin method) WOULD ANYONE HELP ME MAKE SOME ITH ITEMs???? IF so msg me on *GODZ_PHATE (im on USEAST!!!)