wrong forum ^^
if u read the bot forum u would see the faq on jhj ;P
heres an extract
my bot gets stuck at malah, just sits there for a couple of seconds and exits right away, over and over again. what can i do?
here's the deal: you haven't configured your HPGuard, MPGuard right. it should look like like this:
HPGuard1=250 (is the healthpointnumber you want to drink a pot)
HPGuard2=0 (is the healtpointnumber you want to leave the game, if you have a good merc you won't need it at all)
MPGuard=0 (Manapointnumber you want to leave game i guess, maybe drink pot, just set it to 0)
MercHPGuard=10 (this is in %, not an integer#!!!! Percentage of your mercs life you want to chicken at)
hope it helps.