Sure I'd be glad to explain further.
#include can be broken down a little:
# is simply a symble that a part of the compiler called the
preprocessor looks for, these are simply evaluated BEFORE anything else in the program. The word include tells the preprocessor that what follows is file, find it and insert it here. So iostream.h is a file just like any other C++ file, but instead of you typeing it all in yourself it is premade and input there. Also the<> symbles tell the preprocessor to look for the file in all of the
common places.
cout stands for Charecter Output the << are redirection arrows stating that "Hello World!\n"; is to be outputted to the screen.
\n is a simple command the just means, create a new line.
The { and } symbles are opening and closing braces, they show where a function begins and where it ends.
The ; symble is always put at the end of a statement to tell the compiler that the statement has ended. If that was missing then it would blend all the statements together and give you a big error.
}; is always put at the end of a class definition, note that a closing brace (}) is not always followed by a semicolen. ONLY when it is a class definition is a ; needed to follow the }.
int stands for integer, pretty simple really, just like in math. An interger is a little different in C++ though. It is a type of value that ranges from -32,768 to 32,767 if it is 16-bit, it ranges from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 if it is 32-bit. Dont worry though, you dont need to memorize these numbers lol.
I will list 2 good resources if you want to learn more about C++:
SAMS Teach Yourself C++ 2nd Edition is a good book on the subject. is a good site on the subject.
Also I will be willing to help you in any way I can. Good Luck!