what do u want to know....how to play or cheats or what...
I am not a noob like my people but I am having a little trouble with the game...I know almost every cobo in the game BUT I dont know the charater lists.
I heard from friends that there are 32 different charaters in the game..
I only know how to make some..
Like I know how to make chosen, irus, death knight helm....
Can any one help me finish the list..I want to know how to make ring of Nazgul - shadow knight, shinny soul gem - lord of gods, Vagani Lord, Mcgee, Siren, and more if there are any...
Plz help me!
P.s. if you know how to mkae the charater but dont know any combos...I will give you the combos in return for how to make the charaters>>>::tnt