Having fun with scammers


Oct 24, 2002
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Sunny California
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Recently whenever i look on game list and i see "i dupe for free" or "free dupe hack" i cant resist joining them. its so fun to talk to a scammer and watch them try to scam u. Its almost so pathetic watching them trying to tell u that they can change ur stamina potion into godly weapons.

Some common scammer quotes are
"Do you trust me?"(NO i dont)
"I want your Dirty Tals Armor after we dupe" (then why would i want u to dupe)
'If you don't belive me then leave"(u dont give me any reasons to belive you)
"I created this program myself using java script"(wow ur so smart)

And its almost unbeliveable how they can say that they found a bug in the game when almost every other scammers say the same thing. FOr crying out loud if ur going to scam at least come up with something original and not a old one that everyone knows about

Heres a little conversation i had with a scammer
Me: U can dupe?
Scammer: Yea
Me:Tell me how this works
Scammer:show me ur stuff
Me: Sure, why not
Scammer: lets dupe ur tals armor
Scammer: fill ur inventory with Stamina potions
Me: Can u dupe ur stuff for me
Scammer: u dont have the program to dupe my stuff
Me: ic ic
Scammer:Yea, anyways i will activate my program after i kill you
Me: Did u make this program urself?
Scammer: Yea i did i go to ocs computer classes(or some weird college)
Me:O so how did u find out about this bug, did u just suddenly think of this
Scammer: i found out item id numbers
Me:eek:k ur a scammer arent u
Scammer: no i can dupe
Me: THen prove it
Scammer: If u dont belive me then leave
(Some arguements later)
Me: OK i belive u ;)
(I go to Charsi's and buy some weapons and put them on my sorc)
Scammer: Wat happened to ur stuff?
Me:O i wanted to dupe these
Scammer: Please i need that dirty tals armor
Me:ahhhh no thanks i dont want to give u one
Scammer:Fine i can give someone else stuff (didnt he just say he wanted my stuff)
Then scammer leaves me all alone laughing\

Well i hope whoever is reading tis found this as humorous as i did. Scammers please refine ur tactics and make these things belivable. A true scammer should give the victim a soj to make things belivable :)

I like to make a thank this board and all its ppl for making me so scam and hack aware.

Hope u had fun reading this and if u didn't keep ur coments to urself

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
xtremely hilarious. i hope i didnt crack a rib while laughing.


Nov 5, 2002
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St.Louis, Missouri. 63129
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I am a strong supporter of all anti-scammer activity.

I would do anything to humilate or ruin said scammer with an effect that would make the person quit battlenet entirely.

I have went to great lengths to make all of my friends aware of all the crafts that scammers try inorder to loosen away stuff from people. The best way to never lose items is never deal with anyone you have not met in real life.

So for those of you who do not have two computers side by side with a cable up link, best think about finding a Diablo II buddy in RL that will not go against you.


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