>_< RARE made both Banjo Kazoie and Concur's Bad Fur Day, so thar's your comparison
CBFD was an...interesting game taking advantage of a long-forgotten Nintendo Personality, Conker. It was insane, cooky, and worthy of the RARE/Nintendo logo.
Perfect Dark 64 was quite interesting. I enjoyed it, especially for an FPS (a genre I, generally, don't like). I, especially, enjoyed the Laptop Gun ^_^ It has several things that kept me hooked -- a good storyline, for example, which is a rarity among FPS which, now-a-days, seem to concentrate on gore and destruction. *shrug* A lack of story hurts it, for me (hence my penchant for RPGs). I haven't played it in a while, though... Another personal favorite for a shooter (though in the third-person) is Jet Force Gemini ^_^