and Mortal Kombat.
ok, a lie, the first one wasnt
that bad..
The "Halo" game series has been a huge hit, selling 13 million units worldwide and generating some $600 million in revenue.
More than 13million units of video will be sold, so whether this flops or not, Bungie will still make probably more than $800mill from it. I, either way, would love to see it. For some reason, StarshipTroopers comes into mind, and i kinda thought of that as a StarCraft movie, easily.
Im going to go ahead and ask this- who does everyone think will play as Master Cheif?
I also think they should blend the 2 games into the movie- have elements of both, as in the destruction of the first ring, and the giant.."thing" that the Arbiter and Cheif confront, and even have the Arbiter as a main role in the movie, but still limit him to his purpose in the game.
Microsoft is not in the business of making movies, and that is why we want to partner with the studios. (But) we have an obligation to make sure the 'Halo’ franchise is protected and is something 'Halo’ fans can be proud of,†said de Leon.
Impress me.
Is it going to be realife or animated? Realife please.