Hacks questions and helps


Jan 30, 2006
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Well, I normally go to bwhacks and have to sort through hundreds of flamers and noobs just to get an answer to any simple question about hacks. This is painstaking and now impossible (they are down....again).
So I've decided, since i was bored and no one is posting, to write a simple guide for all the hacks. This will take me a while, and if you want to help, I would prefer you pm me and i will give you credit for it, all for the sake of neatness. If you need help you can post but if it is something that has already been explained, pm me and i will help you. Without further adu (sp?):


F5 Terran mineral hack. This is the most common newb question, and ironically one of the easiest to work. All this hack does is build an addon, comsat by default, and "builds" it for free, then blows it up or "cancels" it. The numpad 0 lists what to press if you want it to use something else, example: machine shop. You have to select the appropiate building for the addon, default command center, and press f5. You can only do this after you have the appropiate amount of minerals and gas as well as the tech tree for the addon. Basically once you can buy the addon, press f5 instead, or hold it for more. Want it faster? Multicommand it with multiple cc's.

f6 Terran supply hack. Coming soon.

f7 Drone float. Makes your drone float. duh. You have to completely surround it (correct me if im wrong) then use it to have it stay floated for more than a ssecond. you surround it so it cant move, press f7, then tell it to go to the enemy's base or something. Pretty much just fun to freak people out with.

f8 unit suicide. pretty obvious, select one of your own units (almost positive it doesn't work on opponan,maybe offline) and press f8, it dies. BEWARE OF MULTICOMMAND. I dont really know the point in this but hey, whatever.

f9 Mineral hack for zerg/protoss
Semi-useful. Long awaited. I have no clue, this one i need some help with. For now, i will post how to use it in single player.
First have a drone/probe. All it says is to press f9 and that will work, but usually not very well. You have to tell it to go to the first geyser placed on the map when it was vreated for optimal effects (5000m/500g per unit). The important thing is to look away so you wont crash. My problem is i've only had it not drop or crash me once on multiplayer. On multiplayer you can use /find to automatically select the geyser and thus take a step out. I dont think you can use /commands in single player. Then you press the hotkey while looking away and boom, lots of minerals. However, it makes a rock like that of the volcano terrain slightly above its place. This can make it very obvious you hacked. A simple solution is to go to the top of the map and do this, as the rock will be just out of sight.

" - " freeze hack. way too simple, but the purpose of this is to eliminate ALL noob questions so: press the minus button on the numpad (no numpad= screwed) and everyone is paused. The end. Same to unpause. Fun to freak people out, or to queu(sp?) units.

Nydus anywhere. Tricky at first but very useful. make a nydus. select it and tell it to build an exit. At anytime during this process hit enter and type "/cancel" but dont hit enter. select the exit before it is completed and then hit enter. it should explode/morph into a drone. That drone is now the exit. If the drone dies, the next created unit (even an enemy's, which isnt bad at all) becomes the exit. If nothing is made but you send something through, you crash, so careful.


Coming soon.

Help needed for:
Protoss/zerg online min hack.
creep anywhere hack (i know how but im not sure it is still in annihilation x2
Anything not already on here. You will get credit for all help. Or not if you wish of coarse.


Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score

pezizzle said:
Well, I normally go to bwhacks and have to sort through hundreds of flamers and noobs just to get an answer to any simple question about hacks. This is painstaking and now impossible (they are down....again).
So I've decided, since i was bored and no one is posting, to write a simple guide for all the hacks. This will take me a while, and if you want to help, I would prefer you pm me and i will give you credit for it, all for the sake of neatness. If you need help you can post but if it is something that has already been explained, pm me and i will help you. Without further adu (sp?):


F5 Terran mineral hack. This is the most common newb question, and ironically one of the easiest to work. All this hack does is build an addon, comsat by default, and "builds" it for free, then blows it up or "cancels" it. The numpad 0 lists what to press if you want it to use something else, example: machine shop. You have to select the appropiate building for the addon, default command center, and press f5. You can only do this after you have the appropiate amount of minerals and gas as well as the tech tree for the addon. Basically once you can buy the addon, press f5 instead, or hold it for more. Want it faster? Multicommand it with multiple cc's.

f6 Terran supply hack. Coming soon.

f7 Drone float. Makes your drone float. duh. You have to completely surround it (correct me if im wrong) then use it to have it stay floated for more than a ssecond. you surround it so it cant move, press f7, then tell it to go to the enemy's base or something. Pretty much just fun to freak people out with.

f8 unit suicide. pretty obvious, select one of your own units (almost positive it doesn't work on opponan,maybe offline) and press f8, it dies. BEWARE OF MULTICOMMAND. I dont really know the point in this but hey, whatever.

f9 Mineral hack for zerg/protoss
Semi-useful. Long awaited. I have no clue, this one i need some help with. For now, i will post how to use it in single player.
First have a drone/probe. All it says is to press f9 and that will work, but usually not very well. You have to tell it to go to the first geyser placed on the map when it was vreated for optimal effects (5000m/500g per unit). The important thing is to look away so you wont crash. My problem is i've only had it not drop or crash me once on multiplayer. On multiplayer you can use /find to automatically select the geyser and thus take a step out. I dont think you can use /commands in single player. Then you press the hotkey while looking away and boom, lots of minerals. However, it makes a rock like that of the volcano terrain slightly above its place. This can make it very obvious you hacked. A simple solution is to go to the top of the map and do this, as the rock will be just out of sight.

" - " freeze hack. way too simple, but the purpose of this is to eliminate ALL noob questions so: press the minus button on the numpad (no numpad= screwed) and everyone is paused. The end. Same to unpause. Fun to freak people out, or to queu(sp?) units.

Nydus anywhere. Tricky at first but very useful. make a nydus. select it and tell it to build an exit. At anytime during this process hit enter and type "/cancel" but dont hit enter. select the exit before it is completed and then hit enter. it should explode/morph into a drone. That drone is now the exit. If the drone dies, the next created unit (even an enemy's, which isnt bad at all) becomes the exit. If nothing is made but you send something through, you crash, so careful.


Coming soon.

Help needed for:
Protoss/zerg online min hack.
creep anywhere hack (i know how but im not sure it is still in annihilation x2
Anything not already on here. You will get credit for all help. Or not if you wish of coarse.
1 more user here, thank you for all noob and the website staff can take the time to say you welcome or im spank him lol

P.S dont use multicommand on mineral rock hack or yes you can crash every user if 1 of them watch you

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