ok, i got given this website but it is spam and i was woundering, the people who made it.. were they using the same type of style as when you get them to DL something? and i dont know if it did but it had 1 window that zoomed around everywhere then i closed it ( i HAD to use ALT + F4 , could not catch the lill thing )
if you want to check the website out.. you might have to hold alt + f4 for about 10 mins to close the windows or crash you PC mind.
www.raus.de <<----- Be CARFUL, Click on the link that is on the website if you dare .
if you want to check the website out.. you might have to hold alt + f4 for about 10 mins to close the windows or crash you PC mind.
www.raus.de <<----- Be CARFUL, Click on the link that is on the website if you dare .