Originally posted by Andrew
Don't go OT.. please..
And there is no hack that does that. He probably gave out his password. Or he has a keylogger on his comp. He can just email bind it back.
U are wrong there is a brute force program that can take ur password. And u know cuz i was hacked with it, in fact that i know is that i was on the account when it happend and transfered me stuff, changed all passwords. And a weeck later my accouts where gone, if i had a keylogger it has been made much faster.
And no1 knowed my pass it not even reallted 2 me the password just a random word.
And the reson i did't make a new account and transferad the stuff 2 was i was quiting d2.
The only thing i had done was braging in trades and when i traded and told some people i used bot.
And my account where not banned cuz, i coud se when he came on for the first time and used my sorc and took my soj and tal armor.