Guide to Getting Keys and The Hellfire Charm

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BattleForums Senior Member
May 26, 2003
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t.A.T.u Land!
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This is to guide you on to how to get your Hellfire Charm, which contains 3+ To a random Character class, 10+ Amount of stats, 10+ Amount of resists, along with other great features. In order to get the charm, you must get through some tough bosses. You need to collect 3 sets of 3 different keys (Terror Key, Hate Key and Destruction Key). After recieving the keys, you put 3 different keys into your Cube and transmute them Only in Act 5 Hell. A portal should come up, either called "The Furnace of Pain" for Izual, "Matrons Den" for Lilith, or "Forgotten Sands" for Duriel. After killing one boss, you recieve a body part (either Diablo's Horn, Baal's Eye, or Mephisto's Brain). After you recieve the body part, you must find another set of three keys and repeat until you have all 3 body parts. After recieving the body parts, you put them in your cube and transmute it. A portal to Tristram will come up, where Diablo, Mephisto, and Baal are kindly waiting for you with an endless amount of minions. After you go through that hard task of defeated all 3 Bosses, you recieve a Large Charm along with badges, that signify you have overcome this tough obstical. Here is what you need to do to get that far.

Getting the Keys

To get the keys, you need to do the Following:

Kill The Countess (Act 1, Forgotten Tower) Drops the Terror Key

Kill The Summoner (Act 2, Arcane Sanctuary) Drops the Hate Key

Kill Nilithak (Act 5, Hall of Pain) Drops the Destruction Key

In order to obtain these keys, you need to do as many amount of runs to get them. There is a 1/34 chance he or she will drop these keys when you kill them. The best way to obtain these keys is to get a Sorceress who can handle Cold immunes (Countess is Cold immune, as well as most the monsters at Nilithak) and can teleport fast enough. That way many runs can be completed thus increasing your chances to get these keys. Also, it is not impossible for a Boss to drop 2 of the same keys at once. It has happened Twice to me in the same night.

Once all three keys are recieved, you should get a group of friends together to take on the Boss waiting for you. I recomend getting Smite Paladins, 1 or 2 sorceresses, and a Barbarian (If needed). I have had the most easiest time with a Smite Paladin, the Life leech and the life tap makes you almost invincible to these creatures. Transmute the cube and go inside the Portal (Only will work in Act 5 in Hell Difficulty). The portal will either be

The Furnace of Pain:Izual

Matrons Den:Lilith

Forgotten Sands: Duriel


This Uber Izual has much resists, My sorceress was doing 15k blizzard damage and he was getting healed by it. My advice is do not bring a Sorc to kill Izual. Bring a physical damage character, if anything. If you have to bring a sorc along, bring a fire sorc. I used my barbarian and a pala to easily defeat him and collect the body part. Also, there are alot of immune to Magic/Fire/Cold/Poison/Light minions around, which is also bad for any type of element. Best strategy is to just bring Physical damage characters.


Lilith I found to be the most difficult. She spits out poison that can really tear you down. Also her physical damage (when you stand too close) can REALLY take you out in about 2 hits. My advice is to bring a smiter pala and a couple of sorcs. Have the smiter pala attack her with smite, making her focous on him. The 2 sorcs stand back, casting their spell onto Lilith. The smiter should recieve Life leech and/or Life tap (if items are Equipted to do so). That is the best strategy I have for you to defeat her. Also, using antidote potions can help, but she spits the poison so frequently it will not do alot of help.


Duriel Spawns in the most random places in his Portal. One time it took some time to find him, the next time he was right up at the portal. My best suggestion is that you do the same thing you did with Lilith, with the Smiter paladin and the Sorceresses. Blizzard seemed to work fine Vs Duriel.

Once you collected your body part, continue to search for keys and open the portals until you have recieve all 3 body parts (Horn, Eye, Brain). Once you have recieved those body parts, put them in your cube and transmute them to make the last and final portal, the portal to Tristram.

Portal to Tristram

The last and final portal after all this hard work. This is the most difficult one of all, because not only do you have to defeat one boss, but you have to defeat 3 at one time, along with an endless amount of spawning minions. What I recommend is you get a variety of type of characters to help you do this last mission. I would get something like a Bowazon to get rid of the minions, Couple of Smite paladins to attack the Boss, and sorcs to help them. First, I would take down Mephisto. He is the hardest one. He is using the conviction aura which can totally bring your resists down so much. Not only does he hit you with lightning attacks, but he does a hell of alot of physical damage if you get too close. I suggest you get the Paladins on him with some type of lightning absorb or resists, either a sheild with Lo runes or Gems, something to keep the light resists up. Get the paladins to distract him while you get the sorc to attack him. I recommend bliz sorc, it did the most damage. To keep the bosses from healing, have one person attack the boss and the rest heal, then trade off. If everyone goes to heal, you will come back to a rejuvenated Boss. Once Mephisto is dead, move onto Baal. Try to get the bosses seperated from eachother, so you do not have too much to handle. Baal goes down pretty easy with the same type of strategy used with the Smiters and Bliz sorc. Once he is defeated, move onto the last but definatly not least Diablo. I recommend everyone attacking him, he has tough resists and takes quite a few blows. Smiters can take him down fairly fast, along with Bliz.


Once all the bosses are dead, an X amount of charms drop, based on the people in the game. There are the small "Standards of the Hero" charms, which basically are an award for going through this tough challenge. Then of course, there is the wonderful Hellfire Large Charm, which only one is dropped. This charm does 3 to a certain character class of skill, which is decided randomly, amoung the Stats and Resists. You can put this in your inventory, along with the Uber Clone Diablo's Anni charm. You can only equipt one Hellfire charm at a time, as if it was an Anni.

With the three skill and stats and resists, all of this work is Well worth it. Good luck and go kick some ass!



Mar 24, 2005
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Garden Grove, CA
nice guide heather, whats the minimum amount of people that you have been able to do this with? (i did it with only 2 (me[hammerdin] other[smiter])

maybe a better list some good characters to use in certain situations

i found that the smiter works better than any other type of character...

good characters to bring along:

smiter w/ life tap: (couldnt take screens of this on account i kept dieing :hbut) he was swarmed with 50+minions in trist and he was living like nothing :)
hammerdin: the staple character, good in situations with 'all immune' guys... [mine almost never dies, yet i seemed to get owned very fast... prolly cause i bearly got the 75 in hell [like by 1 point]]

others im just guessing, as i havent seen how well they work
strong barb w/ life tap: a good meat sheild can pump out quite a good amount of damage and also usually an impressive bo
ele druid: with the conviction + elemental archers in tristram, it could help quite a bit to have an 'elemental meat sheild' as well as a 'mass slow' with hurricane
blizzard sorcs: good for slow and high amounts of damage [if they are good enough to not get owned fast] [lots of cold peirce (gg vs. cold immunes)]
fire sorcs: good for emense amounts of damage [if they are good enough to not get owned fast] [high ammounts of damage (gg vs. cold immunes)]


BattleForums Senior Member
May 26, 2003
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t.A.T.u Land!
Bio.Hazard said:
nice guide heather, whats the minimum amount of people that you have been able to do this with? (i did it with only 2 (me[hammerdin] other[smiter])

maybe a better list some good characters to use in certain situations

i found that the smiter works better than any other type of character...

good characters to bring along:

smiter w/ life tap: (couldnt take screens of this on account i kept dieing :hbut) he was swarmed with 50+minions in trist and he was living like nothing :)
hammerdin: the staple character, good in situations with 'all immune' guys... [mine almost never dies, yet i seemed to get owned very fast... prolly cause i bearly got the 75 in hell [like by 1 point]]

others im just guessing, as i havent seen how well they work
strong barb w/ life tap: a good meat sheild can pump out quite a good amount of damage and also usually an impressive bo
ele druid: with the conviction + elemental archers in tristram, it could help quite a bit to have an 'elemental meat sheild' as well as a 'mass slow' with hurricane
blizzard sorcs: good for slow and high amounts of damage [if they are good enough to not get owned fast] [lots of cold peirce (gg vs. cold immunes)]
fire sorcs: good for emense amounts of damage [if they are good enough to not get owned fast] [high ammounts of damage (gg vs. cold immunes)]
I'd say 2 is the Least you can do it with, if one element or char can't work, the other one could. Its just impossible to do alone


May 28, 2005
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do u think peopl can kill lilith, duriel, izzy by them selves? and how many peopl did it take to kill the 3 bosses in tristram?

All 3 of them can be taken down by a Hammerdin but Lilith is the hardest with just a Hammerdin. Ace helped me with her.


Mar 24, 2005
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Garden Grove, CA
izzy drops like nothing compared to lilith...

izzy u can do alone, just gotta be strong, you can prolly moat trick him w/ a blizz sorc...

lilith-2 (i know 2 is possible)
duriel-1/2 (i know 2 is possible)
trist-1/2 (i've done it with only 2, i think 1 may be possible [my friend can probably pull it off; but he'd need me to join so he can rj if he ever dies])

i think my friend can solo trist... he is a godly smiter, if i had mh, i'd post his latest gear... didnt feel like asking...

but w/ 1 person, if you die, its over, you wont get your body...


Battle God
Jul 16, 2004
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If someone could post the basic class/builds used to take these guys down, I would add it to her guide in the sticky and we could have a pretty good guide. Do something like this:

Class: Paladin.
Build: Hammerdin:
Description: hammerdosn do lots of damage so they are good to use to kill''

Thats an example. Can people do that to the basic and most used builds for this quest? Thanks guys. ^^


Mar 24, 2005
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Garden Grove, CA
I sort of already did that up top in post #2, but i'll do it again...

Description: Your average killer, great for getting the keys themselves. Also, great at killing enemies that are immune to all types of attacks. May die quite a bit without a powerful merc, or without several of them to have multiple auras.9/10
Description: Does quite a bit of damage, while stunning the enemies at the same time. Great to be used with life tap and high life leeches. Quite possibly the only character that can kill all of the tristram bosses by itself.10/10
description: Can attack multiple amounts of physical damage, with attacking 5 times, you can get a huge amount of life taps and leech lifes going to survive while dealing well into 10k's.7/10

Description: Great with fast connections only, although known as the 'lagomancers' they are also great as a party member because they can be great meat shields if their summons are strong enough to survive.4/10
Description: Can be used to deal good damage from a distance along with piercing targets using bone spears. Can also be used to trap minion spawn points with several bone walls.6/10

Blizzard Sorc.
Description: A good member of any party, can contribute well with her impressive damage and ability to freeze and slow all targets. Very good because of Cold Mastery's ability to give -enemy cold resist. Weak against the high amounts of cold immunities. 8/10
Fire Sorc.
Description: A strong character in any party, the fire sorc. can dish out high amounts of damage and can cover a great distance in area. Fire Sorcs. can also enchant other melee characters such as the zealer, smiter, and barbarian. Weak against the high amounts of fire immunities. 7/10

Wind Druid
Description: A good elemental absorb sheild. Good in parties without a blizzard sorc. to slow targets. Although cold is a common immunity throughout the 'final quest' areas, it is good to bring along just for the Oak Sage (not that any of your summons will live). Weak against any monsters that are immune to it, and will be found to die often if not exersized with caution. 6/10

Description: Good to do high amounts of lightning damage to many targets. Weak against lightning immunes and will be found to die quite often if found anywhere other than on the outskirts of the screen casting. 5/10

Description: Good at knockback if she has it. Can usually stay alive due to high dodge/avoid/evade for pvp matches. Strafe can be used to attack multiple targets. Dealing physical damage, it can be strong, as long as she stays out of the chaos while shooting mad amounts of arrows.8/10

Whirlwind, concentration, frenzy. Barbarian
Description: Great at being a meat sheild. Tends to not die whatsoever when using high amounts of life leeches and life tap. Excellent party member by casting Battle Orders, Shout, and Battle Cry. Can deal impressive amounts of damage.8/10

  • Will edit tomorrow with pros/cons instead of just general, obvious, descriptions.
  • Comments, concerns, problems, flames, additional info all excepted and appreciated.
  • I left several common builds out due to the fact that they deal pure elemental damage and there are many immune monsters making them useless, so unless they had another way to contribute, I did not include them in the list.
  • I have only done 1 Tristram Run, so the only information that I have hands-on experience with is the Hammerdin and the Smiter.
  • Ps. I had fun with the Vb Codes on this guide :)

Wing Zero

lol just as planned
Oct 27, 2002
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well well time to make my smiter into a player agin...


May 28, 2005
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LILith can be killed by 1 person reather 2... it just took me resserect merc 3 times.. with hammer


BattleForums Senior Member
May 26, 2003
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t.A.T.u Land!
Nah its a different guide they have, the screenshots arent the same


May 28, 2005
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can you tell me the immunities for each boss in tristram?


Mar 24, 2005
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Garden Grove, CA
it doesnt say what their immunities are, all you can tell is that the uber diablo (dclone) should prolly have 95res all... the other 2 seem fairly weak to all forms of attacks, they are just really really strong...

salvation arua is your best friend here :)


Oct 23, 2004
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ty tatu, you're incredible ;)
- Neo/Rico

I'm just waiting on the ladder reset lol. hopefully ASAP. I doubt it though, I bet it won't happen for ages to come. We never know when the thief in the night will come, thus preparation =D
Dec 29, 2005
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Guru said:
i read one line

"my sorc does 15k and he gets healed by it"

thats cause he sorbs it..

[marquee=25]WtF are u talking about, u or the boss?[/marquee]


Official Forum Hamster
Jun 22, 2005
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Mianus, CT
Stop being obsessed with the marquee tag.
Why was this unsplit and unstickied?


Jul 11, 2003
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Darkmatter's Clone said:
Stop being obsessed with the marquee tag.
Why was this unsplit and unstickied?
Because, there is a sticky wich covers more then this.

and um.. i dont remember being the one who un stickied this..

and um for now, since this thread has no point.

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