Hi, i am going to try to walk you through to start boting on If these are wrong, i am sorry, im trying to do the best i can do to help everyone out!
Topic 1
Geting a Character.
This guide will be for sorc characters only. if you do not have a boting sorc already, then you do not need to read this. If not, then please read and follow. I would suggesting making a seperate account for your boting sorc. A one character account (just incase you get caught, ill get more into this at the end).
Max the following skills in this order:
Frozen Orb
Thunder Storm
Lightning Mastery
Once you have maxed those skills, then start to put some points into Static and Warmth (get them both to about 5).
Str - 156 (for wearing a Storm Shield
Dex - 100 (for a good blocking rate)
Vit - put all your left over points into here
Energy - 100-150 (thats just enough for doing runs)
What i did is that, i first got my dex to 100, then i worked on geting my str to 156 for wearing a storm, after that, i got 125 energy. Once you got Dex, Str, Energy stats set, put the rest of the points into Vit (should be over 150 by lvl 60).
Helm - Shako (Good for plus to skills and MF)
Body - Tals Armor (Good for resists and MF)
Shield - Storm Shield (Good for block rate and DR)
Weapon - Occy (Good for plus to resists, stats, and MF)
Amulet - Tals Ammy (Good for plus to skills)
Rings - 2 SOJs (Good for plus to skills and mana increase)
Belt - Tals Belt (Good for MF)
Gloves - Chance Guards (Good for MF)
Boots - War Travs (Good for MF)
Now, by wearing Tals ammy, Armor, and Belt, you will get a set bonus of plus 65 to MF. I would much rather wearing a P.Topazed Tals armor than Skullders because of the resists. And instead of a gull dagger or wizard spike, use a occy, because a occy has MF, increase cast rate, and resists. you could also go with a 4 P.Diamond Monarch for even better resists, or a 4 IST monarch for better MF.
As for charms, i would only get about 4-8 MF charms, and maybe 4-8 resists/life charms. just enough to even it out. i WOULDNT fill up more than half my invitory with charms, because you might not have enough room to pick up some of the big items.
now that you have to character built up, and geared up, and its around lvl 75+, you are ready to start boting.
Topic 2
Seting up your Bot.
For this guide, i will be using D2JSP v0.32 and Pwnage Pindle / MarsBrandMephisto.
1) Lets start off by downloading the latest version of D2Jsp. goto and on the Left hand side, you will see a " Downloads " part. under that will be a link called " Sections" , click on sections and then you will see three new links in the middle of your web page. Click on d2jsp releases (you may have to register, its very fast and simple), you will see at the bottom a download link called " d2jsp v0.32 Installer " , click on that and save it to your desktop.
2) Once it is done downloading, lets install it. Double click the d2jsp_v0[1][1].32_setup install icon (blue ish with a pic of a computer) and it will pretty much install it self for you. all you have to do is press " Next > " most of the time. Once you get to the part were it asks for your Account Name, Password, Away msg, Channel, Character Location, Difficulty, and Bot. Do not worry, you can trust them with you account and pass (I do
3) Thats pretty much it for installing stuff, now you will need to start editing stuff (this part may get confusing).
Right click on the start menu and click on explore. Click on the " Program Files " directory. You will see alot of other directorys, click on the " d2jsp v0.32 " directory. You will see a Note pad file called " d2jspLoader ". Open it (with notepad or wordpad), and you will see alot of stuff that already has your account name and pass already set. Scroll down about 1/3 the way and you will see a part that looks like " ; GamesToStop number of game before stopping session: value +/- 50%
GamesToStop=200 ". i would make it look something like this " ; GamesToStop number of game before stopping session: value +/- 50%
GamesToStop=9999 " , so you dont stop after 200 games. Now
you will have to now edit what it names your game and such. Scroll down to nearly the bottom and you will see a section that looks like "
; 1 2
; 3 4
; 5 6
; 7 8
; 1=norm, 2=nm, 3=hell
; Use GameName=random and/or GamePass=random to randomize game names and passwords
;; No realm selection
D2Title=MyFirstChar " You dont really need to edit alot on that part, maybe the game name and pass, but just leave the rest alone.
Now, save the d2jspLoader file and close it. Double click on the Scripts Folder and start editing, now remember, DO NOT edit anything you DO NOT understand or it says NOT to edit. Edit the following files:
MarsBrandMeph (in Bots folder)
PwnagePindle (in Bots folder)
MBM_Settings (in libs folder)
pwnsettings (in libs folder)
mephlifewatch (in tools folder)
pwnlifewatch (in tools folder)
if you dont get what it says, or you dont know what number to put, then DONT edit it. also, only edit the ones you think you are going to use, like if you are going to pindle bot, dont edit the mephlifewatch file, same thing for meph bot. On most of those files, you will not need to edit alot, some you will. DONT edit everything, you do not have to make it completely customized to you, some things are good at default. remember, if you are not sure on something, make a back up file of it (copy and paste the file some else, just to be safe, and if you get an error, try replacing the file with the default version). dont worry, if you get an error, and you dont know were the error is, just re-install and do it over. I didnt edit alot on my bot, everything is pretty much at default.
4) Now, once you are dont editing, its time for boting, go back to your d2jsp directory and double click on the penguin icon. be sure you have your diablo 2 lod cd in your cd drive. A window will pop up, just move it to a corner or minimize it, and it will open diablo 2, log onto, get your char, go to your channel, set the away msg, and create the game. If it has done all that, with no errors, then you are doing good so far. Once in the game, the script will take over from there on. You can watch your bot, its very exciting the first time. I would leave my bot on when i go to eat, watch movies, do homework, etc. I also leave mine on when i go to sleep and let it run over night. but becarefull, you bot may fill up on items, and keep doing runs and it may not pick up some stuff. so clean out your stash and invitory before leaving it on all night.
WARNING: by using this bot, you are risking of geting your account banned or deleted. If you get a "Unable to connect to" error, and you have cable or DSL, its not you, its they banned your ip. Try to log back on about 3-5 times, if not, then leave it alone and try agian like 10 mins. So, by using a bot on on ANY realm, you have to take this risk. I am also taking this risk with you, lets hope they dont get us:lucifer
Now, i hope this guide will help anyone and in any way to everyone. If you have any questions just PM me or post asking, dont be afraid to ask questions, but be sure to check other peoples post to make sure you dont ask the same question.
Have fun!
Hope you got it to work!
Good Luck finding stuff!
And see you on the boards!
Topic 1
Geting a Character.
This guide will be for sorc characters only. if you do not have a boting sorc already, then you do not need to read this. If not, then please read and follow. I would suggesting making a seperate account for your boting sorc. A one character account (just incase you get caught, ill get more into this at the end).
Max the following skills in this order:
Frozen Orb
Thunder Storm
Lightning Mastery
Once you have maxed those skills, then start to put some points into Static and Warmth (get them both to about 5).
Str - 156 (for wearing a Storm Shield
Dex - 100 (for a good blocking rate)
Vit - put all your left over points into here
Energy - 100-150 (thats just enough for doing runs)
What i did is that, i first got my dex to 100, then i worked on geting my str to 156 for wearing a storm, after that, i got 125 energy. Once you got Dex, Str, Energy stats set, put the rest of the points into Vit (should be over 150 by lvl 60).
Helm - Shako (Good for plus to skills and MF)
Body - Tals Armor (Good for resists and MF)
Shield - Storm Shield (Good for block rate and DR)
Weapon - Occy (Good for plus to resists, stats, and MF)
Amulet - Tals Ammy (Good for plus to skills)
Rings - 2 SOJs (Good for plus to skills and mana increase)
Belt - Tals Belt (Good for MF)
Gloves - Chance Guards (Good for MF)
Boots - War Travs (Good for MF)
Now, by wearing Tals ammy, Armor, and Belt, you will get a set bonus of plus 65 to MF. I would much rather wearing a P.Topazed Tals armor than Skullders because of the resists. And instead of a gull dagger or wizard spike, use a occy, because a occy has MF, increase cast rate, and resists. you could also go with a 4 P.Diamond Monarch for even better resists, or a 4 IST monarch for better MF.
As for charms, i would only get about 4-8 MF charms, and maybe 4-8 resists/life charms. just enough to even it out. i WOULDNT fill up more than half my invitory with charms, because you might not have enough room to pick up some of the big items.
now that you have to character built up, and geared up, and its around lvl 75+, you are ready to start boting.
Topic 2
Seting up your Bot.
For this guide, i will be using D2JSP v0.32 and Pwnage Pindle / MarsBrandMephisto.
1) Lets start off by downloading the latest version of D2Jsp. goto and on the Left hand side, you will see a " Downloads " part. under that will be a link called " Sections" , click on sections and then you will see three new links in the middle of your web page. Click on d2jsp releases (you may have to register, its very fast and simple), you will see at the bottom a download link called " d2jsp v0.32 Installer " , click on that and save it to your desktop.
2) Once it is done downloading, lets install it. Double click the d2jsp_v0[1][1].32_setup install icon (blue ish with a pic of a computer) and it will pretty much install it self for you. all you have to do is press " Next > " most of the time. Once you get to the part were it asks for your Account Name, Password, Away msg, Channel, Character Location, Difficulty, and Bot. Do not worry, you can trust them with you account and pass (I do
3) Thats pretty much it for installing stuff, now you will need to start editing stuff (this part may get confusing).
Right click on the start menu and click on explore. Click on the " Program Files " directory. You will see alot of other directorys, click on the " d2jsp v0.32 " directory. You will see a Note pad file called " d2jspLoader ". Open it (with notepad or wordpad), and you will see alot of stuff that already has your account name and pass already set. Scroll down about 1/3 the way and you will see a part that looks like " ; GamesToStop number of game before stopping session: value +/- 50%
GamesToStop=200 ". i would make it look something like this " ; GamesToStop number of game before stopping session: value +/- 50%
GamesToStop=9999 " , so you dont stop after 200 games. Now
you will have to now edit what it names your game and such. Scroll down to nearly the bottom and you will see a section that looks like "
; 1 2
; 3 4
; 5 6
; 7 8
; 1=norm, 2=nm, 3=hell
; Use GameName=random and/or GamePass=random to randomize game names and passwords
;; No realm selection
D2Title=MyFirstChar " You dont really need to edit alot on that part, maybe the game name and pass, but just leave the rest alone.
Now, save the d2jspLoader file and close it. Double click on the Scripts Folder and start editing, now remember, DO NOT edit anything you DO NOT understand or it says NOT to edit. Edit the following files:
MarsBrandMeph (in Bots folder)
PwnagePindle (in Bots folder)
MBM_Settings (in libs folder)
pwnsettings (in libs folder)
mephlifewatch (in tools folder)
pwnlifewatch (in tools folder)
if you dont get what it says, or you dont know what number to put, then DONT edit it. also, only edit the ones you think you are going to use, like if you are going to pindle bot, dont edit the mephlifewatch file, same thing for meph bot. On most of those files, you will not need to edit alot, some you will. DONT edit everything, you do not have to make it completely customized to you, some things are good at default. remember, if you are not sure on something, make a back up file of it (copy and paste the file some else, just to be safe, and if you get an error, try replacing the file with the default version). dont worry, if you get an error, and you dont know were the error is, just re-install and do it over. I didnt edit alot on my bot, everything is pretty much at default.
4) Now, once you are dont editing, its time for boting, go back to your d2jsp directory and double click on the penguin icon. be sure you have your diablo 2 lod cd in your cd drive. A window will pop up, just move it to a corner or minimize it, and it will open diablo 2, log onto, get your char, go to your channel, set the away msg, and create the game. If it has done all that, with no errors, then you are doing good so far. Once in the game, the script will take over from there on. You can watch your bot, its very exciting the first time. I would leave my bot on when i go to eat, watch movies, do homework, etc. I also leave mine on when i go to sleep and let it run over night. but becarefull, you bot may fill up on items, and keep doing runs and it may not pick up some stuff. so clean out your stash and invitory before leaving it on all night.
WARNING: by using this bot, you are risking of geting your account banned or deleted. If you get a "Unable to connect to" error, and you have cable or DSL, its not you, its they banned your ip. Try to log back on about 3-5 times, if not, then leave it alone and try agian like 10 mins. So, by using a bot on on ANY realm, you have to take this risk. I am also taking this risk with you, lets hope they dont get us:lucifer
Now, i hope this guide will help anyone and in any way to everyone. If you have any questions just PM me or post asking, dont be afraid to ask questions, but be sure to check other peoples post to make sure you dont ask the same question.
Have fun!
Hope you got it to work!
Good Luck finding stuff!
And see you on the boards!