Emperor Pan I
Respected Member
One of the most over rated games available. Is it really as great as alot of people say it is? I have beaten the game, and I find myself really disapointed. I in no way made a prejudgement, I have gone through and beat the game, most missions (skipped stupid reptative shit). Rockstar has produced incredible games, and san Andreas is not a game I would rate badly on a whim. the question, however must be asked "Is this game really worth all the hype?†If you are one of those who think this game is incredible and best thing to come to the series, you can read my review of the game, and u can reply. Otherwise, I shall begin.
GamePlay 5/10: The Game hasn't changed much. The game is played out with mission by mission, advancing the story, and gaining respect and money for each mission. With the obvious string of unavoidable missions, mixed in with side quests, the game has many hours of playtime no doubt. One problem with the game and the missions are that they are not incredibly fun, and there is no flexibility, completeing a mission is mandatory, even if it doesnt progress the story(something that has plagued the last two games, and other rockstar games with similar mission system).
One of the things that makes everyone seem to burst is the added "features". From a new system of stats that can change, to car modifications, to clothing shops it all sounds very appealing. Here is what I think about it. They added to much, and nothing that really adds to he game.
First is the stats. There is respect, muscle, stamina, fat, lung capacity, gambling, various driving skills, various weapon skills. Respect is useless, I'll talk about that later.
Muscle is useless, if you play the game, you will realize meele combat is close to non-existant. Along with muscle, is special combat abilities, which are also useless, because the gun will always defeat the meele fighter.
Stamina existed in the last two games, but not in the bar form. Lung capacity has been aded for a great feature that took two games to impliment. However, I find it rather stupid the gym eliminates gaining stamina the way it use to be. The gym has no fun factor to it, and the limited selection provides nothing but the same function as the others. It was disapointing.
The driving skills, and weapon skills were the most rewarding of the stat functions. I liked this part, allowing for rewards for shooting gangstas.
The dating system has been added, and from my first, to last girlfriend , I realized something. Girlfriends were boring as hell. The reqards were definately not worth it. Though im sure some sick 12 year olds get off going in for "coffee" in a game they shouldn't own, there is no reason to have a girlfriend. IT all becoems VERY repetative, and one of the lowest points in this game.
Car modifications has also been added, and spending a good deal of cash on a car for me, getting it to the garage was a trick, and wa small hit from some asshole driver I lost a god damn expensive bumper. This deals with rockstars high percentage on car damage, and a flawed car system. The modification, with the exception of nitro, provides only cosmetic joy. Without good driving, the car won't last very long either. I was really disapointed.
For clothing, It sounded like a good idea, and with a shop to buy clothing sounded cool, it fell short. Clothing is in short supply. There are not alot of combonations, with a limit on accessorizes. Then, to add to that, most of the clothing looks like it is made for white people. The best cominations were featured in the commercial for the game, go figure.
The game has a nasty habit of destroying cars quickly. It becomes much easier to flip and blow up cars in San Andreas. Annoyance factor is incredibly high, definately after trecking the entire map, only to lose a mission because of flipping a car.
There has been this big hype about the map. I was suprised by the size, astonishing. Then I got to the badlands. The countryside is incredibly boring, and bumpy. The roads usualy lead in directions that you don't want to go to, and you find out you have to go incredibly out of the way to get to somewhere. The country side offers nothing but grass and mountains. There is nothing there. What the hell is the point of a large map, with nothing on it? It takes ages to get from one city to another. Then because of the countryside, if you crash your car you better have great stamina, cause there are hardly any cars in the countryside, and those that do appear are the worst cars in the game.
The citys were good, Los ventros however was uninteresting, and to big with nothing interesting palced around the map. San fierro was the smallest, and had a cramped feel to it. However, I did like San fierro's map, and had my favorite part which was the car dealership missions, and import missions. Los Santos was my favorite city, and I was sad when I had to leave it, especialy after controling all the territores and losing it all.
The Territories were a nice addition, only problem I had was the limitation of gangs to steal territories from, and the fact you lose it for half the game after gbeing given the ability to steal them. Overall, the downside of it didn't really affect this rating.
The slowest of all statistics was respect, gaining respect only after doing pretty much everything. Respect allows you to take members of your gang and do drivebys. after you are able to recruit at least 3 members, there is no point in adding more. Especialy since cars usualy only have 2-4 seats. more members means your not getting anywhere with full strength. Then your gang members are stupid and weak.
The problem is, to many added features were disapointing, and had no true value in the game. The main gameplay was great, everyhting added to the side was stupid, and took away from the game. Many other things could have been done to improve the game, however, Rockstar decided to throw in features what feels like a half-assed job.
Graphics 4/10: Probably one of the wrost parts of this game, and one of the worst in the series. The game does little to improve on the graphics from the last game. To really like the graphics, you should like the color orange, because that is really most of what you see. The graphics seem to be at the lowest standard, simple to shove everything else into the game. A poor job personaly. Things like Cars, and other vehicles have not been improved much since last game. I have compared the games, and except for a switch from fruity, 80s colors to orange, it hasn't really changed. Though people that I talk to blame crappy graphics on map size, like mentioned above, I do not think it is a worthy trade.
There is the frame rate, which is garbage. Large numbers of people and cars together can slow things down. Though alot of times there seems to be a shortage of cars. One really incredibly annoying thing, is added "realistic" touchs, one of which is the sun. If you drive, you will know how incredibly annoying driving while facing the sun is. This same annoyance can be felt in GTA:SA lets all jump for joy.
sound 8/10: Possibly the best part of the game. The stations available is rather good, especialy since most of the music is great. In between music, and on the all talk radio, is usualy rather humorous chit chat from those radio personalities in the game.
The SFX are basicly the same from Vice City, nothing new here. The SFX are still pretty good, since they were in the last game.
The Voice actors are pretty good also. One problem I have is the excessive amounts of swearing, which feels like it was stuck in, just so they could say f*** as much as possible. I find I need to put up the subtitles, when repeated use of nigga is intermingled with the mission. It is hard to seperate slang and what i'm supposed to listen to.
Story 9/10: The Story was good, much better than GTA 3, and on par if not slightly better than Vice City. the game follows Carl "CJ" johnson who spent 5 years in Liberty City, and arrives into San Andreas, after his mother is killed. The game starts in the ghetto, and CJ is reunited with his family. The game picks up more once you leave Los Santos. The game takes u accross three cities, however some of the story gets tiresome, and much of it is stupid, overall it was rewarding to finaly finish it. Plot twists kept the story interesting, and keeps the game together.
Replayability 3/10: Basicly, After playing the last two games, the only thing that got me through this was the story. If you decide to get a 100% completion on this game, you will not be playing this any time soon, quite possibly willing to play another GTA game when the next one is out. The gameplay becoems repetative, and the missions are not all to memorable. Side quests, though were added to keep you playing, become annoying and repetative. Many missions are long, and at the end leave you dead and a mission failed. creating a feeling of anger, and loss. Though the last two games replayability is limited, becasuse there is not much to do but drive aroundand do missions, there remains no reason to keep playing.
Overall 5.8/10:
I was disapointed with alot of this game. The game has to many things, sometimes "more is less". The story was good, and the music was very good. The game like he last ones is plagued by gameplay that becoems repetative, especialy after playing the last two in a row.
GamePlay 5/10: The Game hasn't changed much. The game is played out with mission by mission, advancing the story, and gaining respect and money for each mission. With the obvious string of unavoidable missions, mixed in with side quests, the game has many hours of playtime no doubt. One problem with the game and the missions are that they are not incredibly fun, and there is no flexibility, completeing a mission is mandatory, even if it doesnt progress the story(something that has plagued the last two games, and other rockstar games with similar mission system).
One of the things that makes everyone seem to burst is the added "features". From a new system of stats that can change, to car modifications, to clothing shops it all sounds very appealing. Here is what I think about it. They added to much, and nothing that really adds to he game.
First is the stats. There is respect, muscle, stamina, fat, lung capacity, gambling, various driving skills, various weapon skills. Respect is useless, I'll talk about that later.
Muscle is useless, if you play the game, you will realize meele combat is close to non-existant. Along with muscle, is special combat abilities, which are also useless, because the gun will always defeat the meele fighter.
Stamina existed in the last two games, but not in the bar form. Lung capacity has been aded for a great feature that took two games to impliment. However, I find it rather stupid the gym eliminates gaining stamina the way it use to be. The gym has no fun factor to it, and the limited selection provides nothing but the same function as the others. It was disapointing.
The driving skills, and weapon skills were the most rewarding of the stat functions. I liked this part, allowing for rewards for shooting gangstas.
The dating system has been added, and from my first, to last girlfriend , I realized something. Girlfriends were boring as hell. The reqards were definately not worth it. Though im sure some sick 12 year olds get off going in for "coffee" in a game they shouldn't own, there is no reason to have a girlfriend. IT all becoems VERY repetative, and one of the lowest points in this game.
Car modifications has also been added, and spending a good deal of cash on a car for me, getting it to the garage was a trick, and wa small hit from some asshole driver I lost a god damn expensive bumper. This deals with rockstars high percentage on car damage, and a flawed car system. The modification, with the exception of nitro, provides only cosmetic joy. Without good driving, the car won't last very long either. I was really disapointed.
For clothing, It sounded like a good idea, and with a shop to buy clothing sounded cool, it fell short. Clothing is in short supply. There are not alot of combonations, with a limit on accessorizes. Then, to add to that, most of the clothing looks like it is made for white people. The best cominations were featured in the commercial for the game, go figure.
The game has a nasty habit of destroying cars quickly. It becomes much easier to flip and blow up cars in San Andreas. Annoyance factor is incredibly high, definately after trecking the entire map, only to lose a mission because of flipping a car.
There has been this big hype about the map. I was suprised by the size, astonishing. Then I got to the badlands. The countryside is incredibly boring, and bumpy. The roads usualy lead in directions that you don't want to go to, and you find out you have to go incredibly out of the way to get to somewhere. The country side offers nothing but grass and mountains. There is nothing there. What the hell is the point of a large map, with nothing on it? It takes ages to get from one city to another. Then because of the countryside, if you crash your car you better have great stamina, cause there are hardly any cars in the countryside, and those that do appear are the worst cars in the game.
The citys were good, Los ventros however was uninteresting, and to big with nothing interesting palced around the map. San fierro was the smallest, and had a cramped feel to it. However, I did like San fierro's map, and had my favorite part which was the car dealership missions, and import missions. Los Santos was my favorite city, and I was sad when I had to leave it, especialy after controling all the territores and losing it all.
The Territories were a nice addition, only problem I had was the limitation of gangs to steal territories from, and the fact you lose it for half the game after gbeing given the ability to steal them. Overall, the downside of it didn't really affect this rating.
The slowest of all statistics was respect, gaining respect only after doing pretty much everything. Respect allows you to take members of your gang and do drivebys. after you are able to recruit at least 3 members, there is no point in adding more. Especialy since cars usualy only have 2-4 seats. more members means your not getting anywhere with full strength. Then your gang members are stupid and weak.
The problem is, to many added features were disapointing, and had no true value in the game. The main gameplay was great, everyhting added to the side was stupid, and took away from the game. Many other things could have been done to improve the game, however, Rockstar decided to throw in features what feels like a half-assed job.
Graphics 4/10: Probably one of the wrost parts of this game, and one of the worst in the series. The game does little to improve on the graphics from the last game. To really like the graphics, you should like the color orange, because that is really most of what you see. The graphics seem to be at the lowest standard, simple to shove everything else into the game. A poor job personaly. Things like Cars, and other vehicles have not been improved much since last game. I have compared the games, and except for a switch from fruity, 80s colors to orange, it hasn't really changed. Though people that I talk to blame crappy graphics on map size, like mentioned above, I do not think it is a worthy trade.
There is the frame rate, which is garbage. Large numbers of people and cars together can slow things down. Though alot of times there seems to be a shortage of cars. One really incredibly annoying thing, is added "realistic" touchs, one of which is the sun. If you drive, you will know how incredibly annoying driving while facing the sun is. This same annoyance can be felt in GTA:SA lets all jump for joy.
sound 8/10: Possibly the best part of the game. The stations available is rather good, especialy since most of the music is great. In between music, and on the all talk radio, is usualy rather humorous chit chat from those radio personalities in the game.
The SFX are basicly the same from Vice City, nothing new here. The SFX are still pretty good, since they were in the last game.
The Voice actors are pretty good also. One problem I have is the excessive amounts of swearing, which feels like it was stuck in, just so they could say f*** as much as possible. I find I need to put up the subtitles, when repeated use of nigga is intermingled with the mission. It is hard to seperate slang and what i'm supposed to listen to.
Story 9/10: The Story was good, much better than GTA 3, and on par if not slightly better than Vice City. the game follows Carl "CJ" johnson who spent 5 years in Liberty City, and arrives into San Andreas, after his mother is killed. The game starts in the ghetto, and CJ is reunited with his family. The game picks up more once you leave Los Santos. The game takes u accross three cities, however some of the story gets tiresome, and much of it is stupid, overall it was rewarding to finaly finish it. Plot twists kept the story interesting, and keeps the game together.
Replayability 3/10: Basicly, After playing the last two games, the only thing that got me through this was the story. If you decide to get a 100% completion on this game, you will not be playing this any time soon, quite possibly willing to play another GTA game when the next one is out. The gameplay becoems repetative, and the missions are not all to memorable. Side quests, though were added to keep you playing, become annoying and repetative. Many missions are long, and at the end leave you dead and a mission failed. creating a feeling of anger, and loss. Though the last two games replayability is limited, becasuse there is not much to do but drive aroundand do missions, there remains no reason to keep playing.
Overall 5.8/10:
I was disapointed with alot of this game. The game has to many things, sometimes "more is less". The story was good, and the music was very good. The game like he last ones is plagued by gameplay that becoems repetative, especialy after playing the last two in a row.