Hi, I hit a barrier here is there anyone who can help I am trying to make a melee map with additional races and this is the trigger for Night Elves and Undead for starting halls. I need help of an another action for a haunted mine or the entangled mine to be made on a nearby gold mine when players have chosen there dialog button i've been stressing out to figure it out. If anyone will i'll be truely grateful.
Dialog Button Press
Dialog - A dialog button is clicked for DialogBox[0]
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Clicked dialog button) Equal to DialogButtons[2]
Then - Actions
Unit - Create 1 Necropolis for (Triggering player) at (Center of (Region centered at ((Triggering player) start location) with size (0.00, 0.00))) facing ((Triggering player) start location)
Unit - Create 3 Acolyte for (Triggering player) at (Center of (Region centered at ((Triggering player) start location) with size (0.00, 0.00))) facing ((Triggering player) start location)
Unit - Create 1 Ghoul for (Triggering player) at (Center of (Region centered at ((Triggering player) start location) with size (0.00, 0.00))) facing ((Triggering player) start location)
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Clicked dialog button) Equal to DialogButtons[3]
Then - Actions
Unit - Create 1 Tree of Life for (Triggering player) at (Center of (Region centered at ((Triggering player) start location) with size (0.00, 0.00))) facing ((Triggering player) start location)
Unit - Create 5 Wisp for (Triggering player) at (Center of (Region centered at ((Triggering player) start location) with size (0.00, 7.00))) facing ((Triggering player) start location)
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
Dialog Button Press
Dialog - A dialog button is clicked for DialogBox[0]
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Clicked dialog button) Equal to DialogButtons[2]
Then - Actions
Unit - Create 1 Necropolis for (Triggering player) at (Center of (Region centered at ((Triggering player) start location) with size (0.00, 0.00))) facing ((Triggering player) start location)
Unit - Create 3 Acolyte for (Triggering player) at (Center of (Region centered at ((Triggering player) start location) with size (0.00, 0.00))) facing ((Triggering player) start location)
Unit - Create 1 Ghoul for (Triggering player) at (Center of (Region centered at ((Triggering player) start location) with size (0.00, 0.00))) facing ((Triggering player) start location)
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Clicked dialog button) Equal to DialogButtons[3]
Then - Actions
Unit - Create 1 Tree of Life for (Triggering player) at (Center of (Region centered at ((Triggering player) start location) with size (0.00, 0.00))) facing ((Triggering player) start location)
Unit - Create 5 Wisp for (Triggering player) at (Center of (Region centered at ((Triggering player) start location) with size (0.00, 7.00))) facing ((Triggering player) start location)
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)