God Damn It..


BattleForums Guru
May 10, 2003
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Aight, I have been playing CS for 3 weeks now..and I have gained like [ ] much experience in the game..

I watch others and everything..

What I want to know is a few key things, that maybe I could better myself with:

- How to shoot while moving
- How to shoot people who are moving
- The maps
- How to get headshots easy
- What the typical rundown is for a counter-terrorist (my fav side)
- How to avoid being shot while shooting/not shooting

I think once I know these key things I will be a lot better..

If anyone can take some time to help me I would greatly appreciate it, and I will give you seks. :)


Premium Member
Nov 28, 2002
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How to get easy headshot? Aim for the head.

If you're far away, stand straight, shoot a burst of 2-3, strafe a direction quickly and shoot another burst. Oh, and aim for the head/neck. How to avoid being shot? Know your maps. How to shoot people who are moving? Strafe beside them so they have a hard time shooting you. Stop for a sec, burst, strafe.

Know your maps, aim for the head is my advice.


BattleForums Guru
May 10, 2003
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Well that helps..kind of..I think..well anyways..I meant a more in depth rundown on all those that I need to know..


Premium Member
Nov 28, 2002
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Yo. you'll eventually learn how to play and get your own style the more you play. Just remember don't spray and aim for head and the more you play, the more you'll learn how to get kills efficiently.


BattleForums Guru
May 10, 2003
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Well how come when my crosshair is dead center on the guys head and im shooting at him it doesn't even hit him?


Premium Member
Nov 28, 2002
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You're moving and aim around the neck/chin area.


Premium Member
Nov 9, 2002
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You maybe aiming at his head and the recoil would make oyu shoot above his head, for ak 47 aim at the neck, for colt aim at the head and shot 2-4 bullets. Get a good sound system and start walking, listen to your enemies footsteps. To learn the maps you should just practice them online, not with bots since bots don't make you good at anything. Try looking for camping places where most likely the awp whores would camp there. Well to avoid being shot you should either kill them quickly or strafe while shooting, strafe but dont spray, just shoot 2-4 bullets then again 2-4 bullets while aiming at the enemy (when you see someone looking at you don't try to get in the habit of crouching and shooting, you would be an easy target.) To shoot people who are moving, well don't spray unless they are in close range (by sprayin i mean 5-10 bullets not more) and try hiding behind boxes but you should know that most guns can shoot through boxes so don't think that a box or a wall would be safe. And btw, you won't be able to do this easily in the first month of cs, it would take you like a couple of months to adapt to a good player style.


Sep 16, 2003
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the thing that matters the most, and probably is the reason i'm better than 96% of the server I play at (not bragging, it's the truth), is like he said a nice sound system. It doesnt even have to be a nice sound system, just an ok sound card and a nice headset is all you need. That makes the biggest difference (I found). I can hear EXACTLY where an enemy is from 30-50 feet away. One move, one small noise, I know where they are, i'm prepared to shoot them in the head. Without that knowledge, I would know they were in a 360 degree radius instead of maybe a 40. sound is key. Also when you hear more than 2 or 3 guns or footsteps, you know they are all probably rushing there so use mic or type to tell your team you need backup at that place.

Aim. Hm... how to explain. Basically, just try to get a feel for accuracy, get a feel for popping out and nailing a guy before he can get off a shot, know where your bullet is going before you shoot, and know its going to hit. with an m4 you can stop, crouch, aim at the face, and bam they are toast, but with an ak its totally different. Aim for their chest/neck area and burst, or aim for the face and hope the first shot catches the face. NEVER spray with ak unless you crouch and unless you are roughly 15 feet away AT MOST.

Know your maps, know ALL camping spots and check them every time you go by them. It get's gay, but there is a chance they could be hiding behind one waiting on you to come by, so learn them. Behind doors, boxes, near spawns, outside of long hallways, etc. know the maps.

Know bombsites, know probable spots someone will camp more than others. I know there are lots of camping spots in bombsites, but mostly there are ~5 at most you will find someone hiding at.

If you want to join me on a server sometime, I can show you some techniques etc etc.


Premium Member
Dec 2, 2002
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San Jose, CA
1. Shooting while moving is only suppressive unless you're using a submachine gun or a pistol. If you're using anything else, luck would be the only way you'd hit an enemy any further than close range. With the submachine gun or pistol, the strategy to moving around the enemy is to make yourself harder to hit. You want to run back and forth while aiming at the enemy shooting as fast as possible, basically.

Now, if you want accuracy with a rifle, the strategy is to shoot one or two shots between moving. For instance, if you're strafing left, you'll let go of A and hit D to strafe right. When you do this, there is a very short period of time in which you stop moving altogether. Try to get off a couple shots in this period, they will be very accurate. This takes a long time to master.

2. When I aim at people who are moving, I follow him slowly and wait for them to turn around while aiming at his head. This way, he'll basically run into my fire. It works unless I miss or aim too low. If the person is rapidly moving back and forth, just aim for his head and use a couple short bursts. I've never seen the strategy in the "frantically move back and forth while spraying" method that I see people use all the time.... always seems to get em killed.

3. Lots of maps... I suggest working with a variety of maps. Maps you don't know or that you don't play often. This'll give you the habit of slowly moving around corners you're not sure of and checking your back often because you aren't sure which direction the enemies may come from.

4. Easy headshots... aim for the head, 1-2 shot bursts. Good luck.

5. For CT's, I buy the UMP instead of the MP5 because the UMP shares ammo with the USP. The UMP has more armor penetration and accuracy than other SMG's.

6. The easiest way to avoid getting shot is to stay out of people's crosshairs. Camping every now and then in different places can make you hard to find, but you've got to be prepared for enemies to sneak around corners. Usually you can surprise them from your hiding spot if you hear them coming. Also, if you're reloading and you're shot, you'll notice a lag as you try to escape. Try jumping when this happens, it seems to un-stick you a little.


BattleForums Guru
May 10, 2003
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wow that was what I was looking for Master, thanks ;)

Also, I have noticably gotten better at CS, but still am a noob :p..


Melodic Murderer
Oct 2, 2003
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My Sanctuary
im surprised that no one has said to crouch...

if you notice, when you crouch your crosshair gets tiny. so if you are playing dust, everytime you pop a corner, crouch, look for the enemy, fire

getting head shots also depends on the weapon. just saying aim for the head isnt a very good answer because when you are getting shot at, you need to know the next best thing. ok, im an awp whore so i mostly know how to use an awp and a deagle. if you are using an awp, what you wanna do is set your hotkey "q" so that you can easily switch between your deagle and your awp. so you look down the path, zoom once, fire...hope you hit em (aim for the chest) and as soon as you fire, you hit your q button, pull out the deagle, fire while aiming at his chest (recoil goes to the head) and you are good to go.

and for most weapons...aim at the feet, not directly at the head =/ when you are first starting, you prolly wont have the hang of 2 shot bursts, so your gonna fire about 5 or 6...so you will be taking advantage of that recoil.
Oct 13, 2003
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Originally posted by VizjereiMage
Aight, I have been playing CS for 3 weeks now..and I have gained like [ ] much experience in the game..

I watch others and everything..

What I want to know is a few key things, that maybe I could better myself with:

- How to shoot while moving
- How to shoot people who are moving
- The maps
- How to get headshots easy
- What the typical rundown is for a counter-terrorist (my fav side)
- How to avoid being shot while shooting/not shooting

I think once I know these key things I will be a lot better..

If anyone can take some time to help me I would greatly appreciate it, and I will give you seks. :)

....These are things that you have to practice to be good at, there is no "secret" technique that you use...Its just hours and hours of practice.


May 19, 2003
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@leukos on Discord
viz i have seen u improve drastically these days. gj.

i think i told u but always buy the mp5 if ur a noob. its great for sprayin and prayin (if ur close) and it does pretty good damage. once you are the master with it then try the ak/colt and practice sniping with it. stand still or crouch (preferred) and aim for their upper chest area as chances are that ul get a headshot or just flat out shoot him to death.

stop playing dust for a bit (i know its the only map u reallyknow but u have to try others) play aztec and inferno as they focus on bum rushing and sniping, aztec being sniping and inferno being rushing.

and when can we have secks? jk.


Feb 3, 2004
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Crouch, crouch, and crouch. And try to learn easy guns first, like the mp5 and the deagle, don't go for the sniper rifles just yet. Then learn how to use a colt/ak effectively, then practice with sniper rifles. After much practice, you might just have sworn off being a cs noob. Oh and learn these maps : D1, D2, Aztec, Inferno, Italy, Office, Militia, Aztec, and... umm...


Melodic Murderer
Oct 2, 2003
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My Sanctuary
well, when it comes to maps, id suggest learn with fy_iceworld. its more or less just a deathmatch...but it will teach you a bit about shooting, cause thats about all you do on that map


BattleForums Senior Member
May 20, 2003
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- How to shoot while moving
u dont unless you have an MP5, then u STRAFE ONLY, no backword, no forward, just sideways

- How to shoot people who are moving
learn the sensitivity of your mouse... practice shooting at targets (eg. boxes, sprays etc.) in the middle

- The maps
most important thing to learn in cs.... get to understand where boxes, camping areas, covers are and u should be fine.

- How to get headshots easy
aim neck wit colt and ak, aim head for mp5 (low recoil)

- What the typical rundown is for a counter-terrorist (my fav side)
i usually go 5,5 (auto assign, auto choose skin) so that i can get equal in skills between guns and enemies

- How to avoid being shot while shooting/not shooting
fast reflex, suprise attacks, most importantly dodge awp/scout snipers by strafing


Feb 5, 2004
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All these people say parts of what is needed.
It took me around 6 months of playing cs to start bieng pretty good
Some things that help
~Dont move when attempting to shoot.Stop, duck if you have to
~Only shoot 2-3 round bursts. burst fire gives you no aim at all
~To avoid getting shot, switch to knife(cause you run faster) and take cover
~Learn to use your sound(headphones) and radar. These are 2 important features
~Head shots...Random, and lucky
~Practice practice practice


Feb 9, 2004
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Sorry, I'm going to have to disagree with most of you.

- How to shoot while moving
- How to shoot people who are moving
- The maps
- How to get headshots easy
- What the typical rundown is for a counter-terrorist (my fav side)
- How to avoid being shot while shooting/not shooting

Let me point out first, since I'm new to the forums, that I don't play 1.6, nor have I tried it out yet, so I may be wrong.

1) How to shoot while moving?
It's fairly difficult to shoot while moving and takes much practice. Your best bet is to just fire in bursts and strafe left and right. Just make sure your crosshairs don't become too big otherwise the only thing you're going to be hitting is nothing.

2) How to shoot people who are moving?
I'm assuming that people who are moving are either a) shooting at you, b) trying to get behind cover, or c) are unaware of your presence.
In case of,
a) fight them in the same fashion that they're fighting you. Move around, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT crouch. You're going to be a very easy target to hit if you do so.
b) Just keep firing at them, even when they're behind a wall/crate etc. keep firing, as you may have already learned, you can shoot through walls with rifles and high-powered pistols.
c) If they're unaware of your presence, this is the ONLY time I suggest to crouch, unless they turn around and you still haven't killed them get up and start running around while shooting.

3) The maps?
The only way you're going to learn about maps is through practice (i.e. when walls can be shot through, common camping spots, etc.). If you just want a general idea of what a map looks like just log onto google, you should be able to find diagrams of maps. Again, and I don't know if you're able to exploit bugs on this forum, you'll eventually learn how to sky walk in de_dust, de_aztec, pop through the roof in cs_assault, (weapons) "silence" the awp, fire a bullet with the deagle without it being registered, etc.

4) How to get headshots easily?
Refer to my post [a href="http://www.battleforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=53862&perpage=20&pagenumber=2"]here[/a] for the answer to this question.

5) What the typical rundown is for a counter-terrorist (my fav side)?
I don't know if I entirely understand your question. Camp at the bombsites instead of rushing and have at least two good awpers on your team? (in case of a 5v5 scrimmage).

6) How to avoid being shot while shooting/not shooting
Like I said, I have never played 1.6 but to the best of my understanding there is a riot shield that you can use. Other than that, if you're low on life run behind something that can't be easily penetrated and get as far away from the opening (by this I mean the way by which you escaped) in case of a grenade. Also, do what I mentioned, strafe left and right (heh, I hope I'm using the word "strafe" correctly.) because a moving target is much harder to hit than a crouching target.

:) Hope this helps :)


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