Get rich quick guide!!!!


Aug 8, 2005
Reaction score
I thought of this solution a while ago, but i never thought of writing a guide until now. I will, in detailed steps and instructions tell you how to get rich quick(sort of) and how to actually gain wealth rather then staying at the same level.

MF like a mother******, mf for anywhere from 3 to 4 months prior to this, i know it seems like a while but you need a base in which to trade. The best places to MF items are pindleskin because he can drop anything in the game and for runes do countess runs, you can also look for keys and try it that way. Run a bot because it sucks any other way. So youll have to find a way to entertain yourself for the next 3 months, may i suggest you discover the wonderful wonderful world of girls, or guys whatever youre into u sick ****.
here are some links to mail order brides is this considered porn and will i get banned i dont know but here ya

Learn the prices for all the items, the best way to do this is to go to trade games and ask around, if you need something ask how many keys or runes or sojs its worth. Someone will have the answer. Once you have all this down go and trade, this is the infastructure building part, you need to have this down before you go trading.

Trade like a mother******, make sure you always trade for a profit never trade for an even trade. Remember they probably need this as much as you do, and if they are richer then you that means you can milk them!!! Learn to barter, talk about how much more this other guy offered you, sound unsure as to if this is a fair trade for you, eventually theyll get so fed up with your bitching that they'll just add some stuff on, just so you shut up. Learn to scam if you have to but this is where all the real wealth comes in, dont mf while in this step because a waste of time beyond reason.

Remember that theres no such thing as a favorite charachter, therefore you must have the morals of a whore and never keep charachters if they suck because even the littlest items may have value to some other guys. This means that if you have for example a Nova sorc with 10 lights gcs and a coh and u refuse to trade her stuff of because youve had her since 1.09d. You gotta use those whore like morals of yours and drop the bitch because shes not helping you at all!!! This is not really a step just a collection of invaluable information to use when getting rich!! Also learn how not to get scammed, and the best way to not get scammed is never push the accept button first and never do drop trades without a moderator. If you dont push accept first, you cant get scammed, have the other guy push accept first, thouroughly check that the item youre trading is in fact what you want and only then make your slimy little fingers push that button.

Revel in your wealth, if this guide didnt work for you, you are a tard who needs to quit diablo and play a game with no competition like solitaire. By using this method i managed to acquire about 16 pairs of imp shanks, but because of a few reasons and the fact that im only keeping one charachter, im down to two pairs(for those of you who dont know what imp shanks are there boots which go for about 30 hi runes each). I gave away about 12 pairs of them to friends and noobs, and i lost some xferring :scary that was a bad day. That was off topic, anyway now you can call people noobs and then talk to them like you actually understand whats going on. Anyway now all thats left is you gotta get an attitude, i suggest a cocky one so that when real godly people kill you, you make yourself sound like a jackass.

Dance the night away, because diablo gets really boring after you get really godly!!


Dec 25, 2004
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
CCCP said:
Run a bot because it sucks any other way.

CCCP said:
Learn the prices for all the items, the best way to do this is to go to trade games and ask around, if you need something ask how many keys or runes or sojs its worth. Someone will have the answer. Once you have all this down go and trade, this is the infastructure building part, you need to have this down before you go trading.
Going around and asking random people who will likely lie to you in attempt to get the better half seems stupid to me.

CCCP said:
Trade like a mother******, make sure you always trade for a profit never trade for an even trade. Remember they probably need this as much as you do, and if they are richer then you that means you can milk them!!! Learn to barter, talk about how much more this other guy offered you, sound unsure as to if this is a fair trade for you, eventually theyll get so fed up with your bitching that they'll just add some stuff on, just so you shut up. Learn to scam if you have to but this is where all the real wealth comes in, dont mf while in this step because a waste of time beyond reason.
Trading for profit does wonders. Scamming is stupid. There's no problem with mfing.

CCCP said:
Remember that theres no such thing as a favorite charachter, therefore you must have the morals of a whore and never keep charachters if they suck because even the littlest items may have value to some other guys. This means that if you have for example a Nova sorc with 10 lights gcs and a coh and u refuse to trade her stuff of because youve had her since 1.09d. You gotta use those whore like morals of yours and drop the bitch because shes not helping you at all!!! This is not really a step just a collection of invaluable information to use when getting rich!! Also learn how not to get scammed, and the best way to not get scammed is never push the accept button first and never do drop trades without a moderator. If you dont push accept first, you cant get scammed, have the other guy push accept first, thouroughly check that the item youre trading is in fact what you want and only then make your slimy little fingers push that button.
My .09 orb/nova sorc still does fine. My .09 zealot still does fine. There is no sure way to make sure you absolutely can't get scammed. The rule of thumb is if it feels wrong - assume it is. And on normal trades, triple check the item.

CCCP said:
Revel in your wealth, if this guide didnt work for you, you are a tard who needs to quit diablo and play a game with no competition like solitaire. By using this method i managed to acquire about 16 pairs of imp shanks, but because of a few reasons and the fact that im only keeping one charachter, im down to two pairs(for those of you who dont know what imp shanks are there boots which go for about 30 hi runes each). I gave away about 12 pairs of them to friends and noobs, and i lost some xferring :scary that was a bad day. That was off topic, anyway now you can call people noobs and then talk to them like you actually understand whats going on. Anyway now all thats left is you gotta get an attitude, i suggest a cocky one so that when real godly people kill you, you make yourself sound like a jackass.
I have a hard time believeing you gave away 12 pairs of imps, and lost 2 more xfering. I would be surprised if you owned two to start with.

CCCP said:
Dance the night away, because diablo gets really boring after you get really godly!!


Aug 8, 2005
Reaction score
this guide was more of a joke anyway lol but it might helpsome people.


Aug 8, 2005
Reaction score
I wasnt going for sarcastic i was going for the more careless tone. Yeah i guess it was a waste of my time and a waste of time for the people reading it.

jmcn R

Aug 1, 2005
Reaction score

best guide evar1111!!

lol seriously man, that was great. alot ofpeople getting into d2 and may follow your post as the bible itseld. i swear, its great. sounds so damn convicing too. :D

best summary of getting filthy rich in d2 :grunt


Aug 8, 2005
Reaction score
There are people who play diablo for years and dont get anywhere, so 3 months is relatively quick.
Also you FWI was talking about his zealot and his orb/nova sorc, and those builds are fine, but if you have a mageazon which uses immolation arrow then you should have gotten rid of her a while ago, hmm although that step shouldnt apply to this guide because if you have charachters from 1.09 your probably pretty rich already. However, there are people who may have stopped playing a long time ago, but now want to get new things. It applies to them. And i edited the part about mfing in step 3 thanks for the help and the criticism.

Nevermid it wont let me edit anymore disregard last post because it was a lie but yes its fine to mf when you are not trading, just remember to run a bot!!!

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