today i gambled a vidalas boot and i thought you could not gamble sets or uniques? anybody know otherwise?
they have the same rate of appearing,its just theres a lot more uniques then setsTheRealMalakai said:I gamble those god damned Nokozan Relic amulets once a day whenever I go gambling for sorc ammy's so it does happen. Just not very often.. I think sets are alot rarer for gambling then uniques.
Twas 1.09fattyxp said:You have nearly always been able to gamble sets/uniques. The chance used to be much higher in d2 classic and the first 1.07 of LoD. I think it was either 1.08 or 1.09 that turned off unique and set gambling, and the patch right after that turned it back on but with a MUCH lower chance of getting uniques/sets.