how i wish i could get one of those. my most imported dog ever is just a japanese spits. anyway i still like em.
I don't hate dogs, I just dislike being in the same room as them for more than a few minutes. They drive me flippin crazy...
1) There is no place safe from the inquisitive (and always icy-cold) nose.
2) Small-breed dogs never stop moving.
3) Barking is 9598579183575x more annoying than meowing. Especially yipping.
4) They have to lick EVERYTHING. My arm, my knee, my face, their asses, their balls (and unlike when a cat washes his nethers, a dog always makes that 'tluck tluck' sound.)
5) Cats do not hump your leg. It just doesn't happen.
6) Most cats do not consider the fact that you're in the room to be an invitation to come bounce on you and lick you.
7) Cats don't eat ****. Plain and simple.
8) Very few dogs ever learn to use the litter box. They regard any surface acceptable for walking on as acceptable for pooping on.
9) Cats don't chew on everything not bolted to the floor.
10) Cats understand the concept of "I swear, I do not have any food."
Just 10 reasons I prefer cats to dogs.
well you can always place your dog outside you room or house just like i do.
1. scare/scold them when they try to nose touch you.
2. thats whats cute about them. but i suggest placing them outside specially the puppies or while still nursing.
3. barking is badass, always keeps the bad people away from your house.
4. well scold (but dont kick) them if they attempt doing it.
5. ....
6. ...
7. Dog also don't eat ****, unless you are not feeding them properly.
8. yes, but they still go to the most lesser visited location or part of the place to dump.
9. ...
10. yes but cats are always spoiled when it comes to food, they will approach you ad try to make cute faces so that they can be fed.
3 things i like about dogs.
1. cute, hug-gable and you can tap them nicely on the head.
2. obedient and very loyal to you.
3. a great companion when everyone else is not. they're like true friends.
by the way i have 2 cats and 5 dogs.