IGN doesn't know their thumb from their anus, and one or the other often ends up inside the one not named
; Yeah. I hate IGN's anti-Nintendo fanboyism and contribution to anti-Nintendo fanboyism. I would not take anything they say to heart. The only things known about the Revolution are that it will be WiFi, backwards compadible, have NGC controller and memory card slots, and be able to emulate NES, SNES, and N64 games.
There are no "new" controller or memory card slots on the Revolution. The size that it is still allows for a small, iPod sized (ie: 5Gb to 20Gb) hard-drive
and blue-tooth. Nintendo is being a fair bit tight-lipped about their next console. As they were for both Dolphins prior (became known as N64 and NGC), they are being careful about how and when they release specifications.
Will there be a hard-drive? I don't know. I do know that I won't believe a thing IGN says.
Wingy. I've beaten the game like three or five times ^_^