Ready Yourself
Bashiok posted this earlier, you can see it on the Blizzard Posts - Diablo II subforum. So what does this mean?! Will it be months and months... and months before we see Diablo 3? As revealed in the Sensor Tower Timetables thread, StarCraft II is to be released in the second quarter of 2010 (Yay!!), which means we can assume Diablo III will come out somewhere in the third or fourth quarter.I keep trying to push for UHF but people are all like, That has no relevance to Diablo. And then I'm all like... STUPID! YOU'RE SO STUUUPID! and then I eat a twinkie-wiener sandwich. [ Post edited by Bashiok ]
BUT, recall This! So what do you think this means for Diablo 3? Post your theory here!