Do not post any threads about the following topics:
You can post your macros or any mods that you use, as long as they aren't against the TOS.
Selling your account? Don't advertise here, do it here.
Gold selling sites are not allowed, they will be edited and removed. This is your only warning. Advertise here and I'll eat your soul.
Don't bump old threads, double post, or make completely retarded threads unrelated to the game. Report any cases of breaking these rules in case I magically miss one.
If you have any questions about WoW, feel free to ask me or the forum, I know a ton of stuff.
Suggestions to improve the forum and attract people are encouraged. They can be sent to me or Jason by PM.
- Botting
- Free servers
- Exploits
- Dupes
- All other types of hacking that break the WoW TOS
- Any dang cheat there is
- Illegal mods
You can post your macros or any mods that you use, as long as they aren't against the TOS.
Selling your account? Don't advertise here, do it here.
Gold selling sites are not allowed, they will be edited and removed. This is your only warning. Advertise here and I'll eat your soul.
Don't bump old threads, double post, or make completely retarded threads unrelated to the game. Report any cases of breaking these rules in case I magically miss one.
If you have any questions about WoW, feel free to ask me or the forum, I know a ton of stuff.
Suggestions to improve the forum and attract people are encouraged. They can be sent to me or Jason by PM.