Foreign Policy Rebounded?

Has Foreign Policy Changed for the Better?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 1 20.0%

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King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
Reaction score
North Carolina, USA
In recent news:

Lybia to let Weapons Inspectors In

In possibly the biggest Public Relations turn around, Saddam Hussien's capture may be showing it's first plus sign. Lybia has decided to allow Weapons Inspectors into their country for the first time in quite a while. Note: This does not mean the UN has permission to enter! Only the US and UK have been given clearence. This dramatic turn-around comes right at the heals of the 4th ID's capture and imprisonment of Iraq's brutal dictator.

In recent news, as well, is the surprising invite from North Korea to US diplomats to sit at disarmnements tables. Also invited was China for their vested interest in N. Korea disbanning their, proven, nuclear arms. China, however, was only invited as a mediator as the US was primary in the talks.

Two nations that have been proven to have an active Nuclear Program have agreed to sit down at the table with the US. But what brought about this almost sudden change? Both come in the same year, one starting in mid-summer 2003 and the other late-December 2003. Just eight months after the cease of major operations and hositlities in Iraq, and two Nuclear Powers are talking. One, Lybia, has even gone so far as to invite WIs in!

This seems like a dramatic turn around in Foreign Policy and Relations, and right at the heals of the end of Bush's first term. A president born of controversy, living controversy, and killing controversy has, perhaps, the largest PR boost yet to come. The Al Queda is showing signs of desperation, marching into Iraq. Saddam Hussien has been captured, and, perhaps (undetermined) Intelligence Agencies are keeping closer tabs on Osama bin Laden -- though the Al Queda has delayed his capture for a good, long time.

What does this, ultimately, mean for diplomatic relations? Saddam Hussien and Osama bin Laden could be considered the largest two threats to stability in the Middle East, and one is in custody while the other is kept on his heals. Two acts of war have been declared by the United States of America since 9/11, and I don't even need to remind you of the year. Afganistan, which Russia couldn't conquer in a ten year war, fell to the US Armed Forces in a short period. Iraq, once held in the grip of terror, is begining its slow progression through celebrations to the ultimate day of freedom.

However, those are only small factors to consider in the larger picture. On Sunday December 21 of 2003, the security alert reached its highest mark since Afganistan was conquered. We are at high alert due to the very prominent risk of a desperate organization with cells still existant in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Even with this, people feel safe enough to travel in planes again. They are willing to traverse the continent to be with friends and family, during a holiday, I'm sure, the Al Queda hate.

The above is from the originality of bamthedoc's mind.

Tempest Storm

Premium Member
Apr 5, 2003
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Afganistan, which Russia couldn't conquer in a ten year war, fell to the US Armed Forces in a short period.
Course they couldn't conquer it. They didn't have the help and support of the Northern Alliance and the UN, and they had us supplying Bin Laden and his kind with weapons and money. :)

But yea, Bush's luck is definitely improving. With the economy getting better at a pretty fast rate, unemployment going down, Saddam getting nabbed, decrease in fatal attacks in Iraq. The Dems are gonna have a hard time Bush's acealese (I know I spelled that wrong...) heel.


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
Way to skip over most of the detail just to get to a tid-bit :rolleyes:

Oh well... Afganistan's falling also was largely due to "bunker busters" being used to great effect and a better Intelligence Network. Also, I believe both Osama bin Laden and Russia were considered "enemies of the state", but ObL was the "lesser of the two evils". Hmm? Sounds familiar... Oh yeah! Saddam Hussien versus Iran! SH was, supposedly, the "lesser of two evils" in that situation, as well.

Just goes to show that Intelligence can't always be right.

Oh yeah! And...mind commenting on anything else? That wasn't easy to write, you know! Took me a good twenty minutes! (and two or three days of "think" time when I was driving)

Tempest Storm

Premium Member
Apr 5, 2003
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Originally posted by bamthedoc
Way to skip over most of the detail just to get to a tid-bit :rolleyes:

Oh yeah! And...mind commenting on anything else? That wasn't easy to write, you know! Took me a good twenty minutes! (and two or three days of "think" time when I was driving)
Perhaps you'ld find the replies you're looking for in say, the Void. ;)

Read the last paragraph, you'll see that I was basicly agreeing with you. :)


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
:usad Fine! I was looking forward to some witty reparte! I guess I'll have to wait...


Yeah, I noticed you agreed with me, but, even in agreement, you tend to tear statements appart. I was somewhat expecting that. (Oh well)

Really, though, I was wondering if an intersting and stimulating conversation might arise.

I find all this news quite interesting, and I've been following much of it quite closely. I was estatic, almost giddy, when I saw the news on Lybia -- especially with news of North Korea not too long ago. I may care that it's a PR boost for Bush, but I am more elated at the fact that Iraq may have turned into an example (in a manner of speaking).

Oh! Unemployment was never that bad, anyway. I think the worst we got was around 6%. The economy took a dip, but I saw it coming. I knew it would happen, but I didn't know what the stimulus for the dip or recovery would be.

Yes, and the "Demms" are going to have a very hard time this coming November.


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 21, 2002
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United States
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yeah, bush had a rough start but now our economy isnt bad and we just got saddam.... i think were lookin at bush re elected in 2004.


Like my cute wabbit?
Dec 23, 2003
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everyone h8s bush realy tbh... he hasnt found no weapons it'll be a fluke if he gets re-elected... this guy is too ****ing war hungry. america should be rid of him... he went against the UN if he listened maybe this couldve of been resolved without killing so many.. remember when bush was a govener he killed more than 100 prisoners randomly


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
Reaction score
North Carolina, USA
Originally posted by ORC-r0x0r-ROC
everyone h8s bush realy tbh... he hasnt found no weapons it'll be a fluke if he gets re-elected... this guy is too ****ing war hungry. america should be rid of him... he went against the UN if he listened maybe this couldve of been resolved without killing so many.. remember when bush was a govener he killed more than 100 prisoners randomly

Everyone has Bush really ???... He hasn't found any weapons [of mass destruction]. It'll be a fluke if he gets re-elected... This guy is too [I don't use profanities] war hungry. America should get rid of him... He went against the UN. If he listened, maybe this could've been resolved without killing so many... Remember, when Bush was a governor, he killed more than 100 inmates -- randomly.

Now that everyone else has a moderate idea of what you said, I'll comment... Yes, I'm going to flame several statements.

1) Most of this has nothing to do with the topic or discussion. Yes, we've commented on him getting re-elected, but you have nothing to the main point.
2) He isn't looking for WMD, our troops, along with British and other, are looking. The time table isn't up on the search yet, and it's very, very likely that they were bought and sold or much better well hidden than anticipated.
3) Bush's popurity is so high; it'd be a fluke if he didn't. Even the media has to respond nicely to him in order to not publicize bad rap for themselves.
4) If he'd listened, more people would have died.
Example: World War II -- FDR listened to the American people and their seperatism for so long that millions of Jews died in procrastination. This is a valid example as, looking at events in 1992, Saddam has shown much the same ruthlessness. He killed thousands of Kurds and rebels after the UN said, essentially, "He gave up, now get out." Read history, bub!
5) I've, essentially, hated the UN since 1992. Why? Watch the movie Black Hawk Down for a good example. They have no sense of the "Rules of Engagement" and invented the "do not attack unless directly fired upon" rule. Our forces have to sit back and wait while innocent people die in a conflict the UN, themselves, brought us into!
6) I'll define "war hungry" better. Hitler was war hungry. Alexander was war hungry. Napolean was war hungry. Ghengis Khan was war hungry. How does Bush even compare?! Who have we gone to war against? We haven't gone to war against countries, believe it or not, we went to war agaisnt groups. We fought against Saddam and the Ba`athists. We went to war against Osama and the Al Queda.

In "On Topic News"...

Something has obviously had a very positive effect if North Korea is sitting down with us. Something has obviously had a very positive effect if Lybia is inviting us in. I'm talking about Foreign Policy, not your distorted and ignorant views.

Not Knowing All The Facts
Having Facts Hidden From Individual(s)

Try looking it up, and then losing it.

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