For millennia, the priestesses of Elune


BattleForums Newbie
Feb 9, 2010
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For millennia, the priestesses of Elune were both spiritual leaders and powerful fighters for their society. When the night elves rode into battle, the Sisters of Elune fought side by side with the soldiers, singing to Elune and calling upon her power. Oftentimes the lunar goddess responded by visiting her wrath upon the night elves' enemies.

It was even said that the priestesses could bring a semblance of the moon into the noonday sky, lending some of Elune's strength to the nocturnal night elves. After the battle was won, the priestesses prayed over the wounded and brought them healing.

Victory at last brought peace to the night elves, and the Sisters of Elune were content to retreat somewhat from the public eye. As time passed, their combat skills became a distant memory. The priestesses could mend injuries if necessary, but with peace and immortality, the Sisterhood's intervention was rarely necessary.

Then the War of the Ancients broke out, and the Sisterhood rode into battle again. The extraordinary combat skills and healing abilities of Tyrande Whisperwind in particular reminded the night elves of what the order had
once been--and had, in fact, never ceased to be.

After the Great Sundering, Tyrande decreed sweeping changes throughout night elf society. As part of these changes, Tyrande disbanded the old army, most of which had no desire for further battle, and established the Sentinels.

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