I'm use to playin SC and when I first noticed the 90 food limit I was quite astonished. Then playing my first online game I realized that it's just as good with low food if not better than high. In SC all people would do is get 30 workers and then max whatever they could get but usually they would max BCs, Guards, Vours, or Carriers and that usually made a very boring game. WC3 has quite a bit of action in it.
u notice how unless u kill all your units, you wont get 400 lings. Who kills their drones in case of defeat. Also, ppl still mass units, do any of u actualy play on bnet? i have seen mass necros mass footman mass sorceresses mass abombs mass frost wyrms and the list goes on. A couple magic attacks can kill massing. Seriously it should be 110.
Im glad its only 90.. sc was all mass units.. what strategy was it to make 200 hydralisks with dark swarm around them?! not too much.. but warcraft takes alot more..
The only reason they made the limit 90, is because they expanded the max amout of players to 12 so therefore the wOULD BE MORE DAM LAG, GOD I HATE LOSING BECAUSE I CANT ****ING CLICK A DAMN MAGIC ATTACK THAT WOULD HAVE SAVED YOU BEYOND BELIEF.
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