
Pains Requiem

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 30, 2003
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north carolina
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I just go this CD from my friend Stephanie today... and I must say am in love with this band.

This a band that at first sounded like Kittie to me, but then I realized they weren't as heavy, but the female lead singer can still scream when she wants to and it doesn't sound like half-ass wailing. They also reminded me of Otep for a few minutes.

This is my favorite song by them, and the softest song on their debute album.

So I Thought by Flyleaf

So I Thought

All your twisted thoughts free flow
To everlasting memories
Show soul
Kiss the stars with me
And dread the wait for
Stupid calls returning to us to life
We say to those who are in love
It can't be true 'cause we're too young
I know that's true because so long I was
So in love with you
So I thought

A year goes by
And I can't talk about it

On my knees
Dim lighted room
Thoughts free flow try to consume myself in this
I'm not faithless
Just paranoid of getting lost or that I might lose
Ignorance is bliss cherish it
Pretty neighborhoods you learn to much to hold
Believe it not
And fight the tears
With pretty smiles and lies about the times

A year goes by
And I can't talk about it
The times weren't right
And I couldn't talk about it

Choris Romance says goodnight
Close your eyes and I'll close mine
Remember you, remember me
Hurt the first, the last between
Choris Romance says goodnight
Close your eyes and I'll close mine
Remember you, remember me
Hurt the first, the last, between

And I'm praying that we will see
Something there in between
Then and there that exceeds all we can dream
So we can talk about it

Choris Romance says goodnight
Close your eyes and I'll close mine
Remember you, remember me
Hurt the first, the last between
Choris Romance says goodnight
Close your eyes and I'll close mine
Remember you, remember me
Hurt the first, the last healing

And I'm praying that we will see
Something there in between
Then and there that exceeds all we can dream

And all these twisted thoughts I see
Jesus there in between
And all these twisted thoughts I see
Jesus there in between

Such a nice song. Their current single is Breathe Today

That link is a image of the band.

This has 3 of their songs. Cassie and I Am Sick are really good songs.

Their website. Fully Alive, which is my 2nd favorite song by them so far, can be found inside the site.

If anyone has heard of them, or like what they have heard through what I have provided, give some feedback. I have a new band fetish as of NOW.

They are touring with Staind, Taproot, and P.O.D


BattleForums Senior Member
Feb 20, 2005
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staind p.o.d and taproot are all gay. :(


your whole family is made of meat
Nov 28, 2003
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The girl's sexy.

I like them already.

Pains Requiem

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 30, 2003
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north carolina
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Their 11 songs only equal around 33 minutes...

But I still think this is an amazing group. A new favorite for sure. If you listen to So I Thought, the singer's voice is so hawt :)

Cobalt Wolf

New & improved!
Nov 7, 2002
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I like their music.
I hope they continue to sing about the
same things in their albums to come.

Dark Mistress

Is a nasty little tart...
Jul 12, 2005
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Hiding in your closet...
I heard Flyleaf at Family Values. I think she sucks. Period. You could hardly hear her, and she's just some pussy ass bitch, anyway, who sounds like a whiny Avril. But, hey, you like what you like...

Shouldn't this thread be in Musical Madness..?


RoaCh of DisCord

Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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I enjoyed them a bit at first...but they got really boring after just a few listens for me. The lyrics aren't quite my thing either.

Cobalt Wolf

New & improved!
Nov 7, 2002
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How do you see Avril Lavigne and Lacey Mosley being anything alike?

To me, Avril Lavigne's music is bubblegum pop/girly punk with cuss
words and "bring it"/"don't mess with me" lyrics whereas Flyleaf's music
is serious and inspirational with uplifting music and lyrics that tell of
hardships yet are full of hope because of the love of God - unlike the
many depressing drugs and alcohol influenced/"get high and have sex
with every drunk and unconscious woman in sight" rock songs.

Maybe Flyleaf isn't hardcore enough for people but seeing as how R&B
is my thing the testosterone-induced hardcore doesn't impress me. I
just want to listen to an artist who sings something I can understand,
not a poem that leaves me pondering what the heck this person is
trying to say and why they don't just come out and say it like any
normal person. I hate music that is written with so little effort that
people actually believe that the song was written to be interpreted
differently by each person listening. Might as well just admit that the
only reason why they like the song is because it has a catchy beat.
People like jingles - I can understand this.

Sorry if you think this is a rant on everyone who likes the average
rock song because it's not. It's just me ranting about every rock/rap
song writer who puts no effort into writing their brainwashing songs
and makes millions of dollars and spends it on thousand dollar hotel
rooms, hookers and drugs while the average person puts 40-50 hours
a week into blood, sweat a tears making an HONEST living only to
go home and worry about how they are going to pay bills.

The entertainment industry really disgusts me sometimes.

RoaCh of DisCord

Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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How do you see Avril Lavigne and Lacey Mosley being anything alike?

To me, Avril Lavigne's music is bubblegum pop/girly punk with cuss
words and "bring it"/"don't mess with me" lyrics whereas Flyleaf's music
is serious and inspirational with uplifting music and lyrics that tell of
hardships yet are full of hope because of the love of God - unlike the
many depressing drugs and alcohol influenced/"get high and have sex
with every drunk and unconscious woman in sight" rock songs.

Maybe Flyleaf isn't hardcore enough for people but seeing as how R&B
is my thing the testosterone-induced hardcore doesn't impress me. I
just want to listen to an artist who sings something I can understand,
not a poem that leaves me pondering what the heck this person is
trying to say and why they don't just come out and say it like any
normal person. I hate music that is written with so little effort that
people actually believe that the song was written to be interpreted
differently by each person listening. Might as well just admit that the
only reason why they like the song is because it has a catchy beat.
People like jingles - I can understand this.

Sorry if you think this is a rant on everyone who likes the average
rock song because it's not. It's just me ranting about every rock/rap
song writer who puts no effort into writing their brainwashing songs
and makes millions of dollars and spends it on thousand dollar hotel
rooms, hookers and drugs while the average person puts 40-50 hours
a week into blood, sweat a tears making an HONEST living only to
go home and worry about how they are going to pay bills.

The entertainment industry really disgusts me sometimes.
Hmm, I guess that all depends on personal preference. I do indeed like rock, and various forms of metal..and classical...and gothic..and (i could go on and on..). The music *including rock* that I listen to is anything but typical or generic..or describes what you say above. I myself, just don't really like flyleaf. Partially because the music seems too simplistic for me to get into -- and secondly, I don't care for her voice, or the lyrics (they aren't bad..I just can't relate to them). As for the lyric writing thing..that's once again personal preference. I personally write a lot... poetry/prose/stories/etc...and I usually try to convey the message in a different way. My writings can usually be interpetted in many different ways, and that's how I like it. Of course, I normally have a particular message in mind..but if people can find their own and relate to it, then great. That's really what art's all about, in my opinion. For me, I really see no point in blatantly spelling out the point of a writing..because imo, that's just making a statement. I take a statement or a story, and try to convey it in a artistic way. Anyway..I rambled, but my's all about personal preference. Some like cryptic messages...some like straight forward lyrics. Some like uplifting messages, some like messages of pimping hoes. I myself don't like music about bitches and hoez either ;)...but I can tell you that flyleaf certainly aren't the only rock band out their with positive messages in their songs.

I can see the comparison between flyleaf and avril they both (musically) teeter between pop and rock.

Cobalt Wolf

New & improved!
Nov 7, 2002
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I can respect that, Roach. :)

I still don't see how you think Flyleaf sounds like pop music...
Have you ever LISTENED to pop music? :-/
Beyonce, Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears
are Christina Aguilara are some examples.
I can feel my brain getting a little numb
after listening to any of them.


Aug 10, 2007
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U.S east coast
yeah there song fully alive, its a good song and all. but you can tell her voice is enhanced and has synthesizers and stuff, witch piss's me off when artist cant sing for them selfs, thats why dark mistress said she blowed in concert. cant enhance your shit when your live.....

RoaCh of DisCord

Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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I can respect that, Roach. :)

I still don't see how you think Flyleaf sounds like pop music...
Have you ever LISTENED to pop music? :-/
Beyonce, Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears
are Christina Aguilara are some examples.
I can feel my brain getting a little numb
after listening to any of them.
Well, THOSE are like bubblegum-pop I think (the horrible music). Either way, those you listed are just bad ;) I do admit though, I was addicted to the song "Fully Alive" for awhile when Jason had me listen to Flyleaf's album.

yeah there song fully alive, its a good song and all. but you can tell her voice is enhanced and has synthesizers and stuff, witch piss's me off when artist cant sing for them selfs, thats why dark mistress said she blowed in concert. cant enhance your shit when your live.....
Yeah, many bands do that..and I'm always disappointed when I see them live and they can't sing worth a shit. I'm not sure if you know of Godhead..but Jason's voice nearly sounds BETTER live (and he's still amazing on the albums). That's a band where the singer is truly talented, imo.

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