Finished thoughts on map

Gray Shadows

Aug 29, 2004
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Alright you guys im back. I know i know im getting to be really annoying but i have figured out what my game is going to be about. I am also going to need some minor help, just some small stuff not like the ones above. About the things below, I have basically figured out how to do them so no need to worry about that. Ill put all the things i need after the game explanation below. (The map i attached is not the map i will be using just the place im experimenting with triggers)

*cinematic* The game will start of with a dialog with four seperate buttons, each labelled a different element (i.e. Fire, Water, Earth, & Wind). When you click one you will have the person appear inside the chosen element... The tornado will dissapear revealing the Hero Wind. The ring of fire (from the boxes) will show the Hero Fire. A large brown infernal will die revealing the Hero Earth. And then from the water elemental the Hero Water. Then it will show the Hero Chaos (color black) and the Hero Order (color white), getting killed by a band of heroes. (Chaos and Order are from the archimonde model) The two leaders, A Dark Spirit wyvern and A glowing bright pheonix, take the two orbs of Chaos and Order. *cinematic* Then the game begins.

The game is mostly a footie, except that you get an aloted number of gold that you choose from the various stores to give you some units. It will be divided into two towns. The bottom left hand corner belonging to the good (Archer Models) and the top right hand corner to the evil side (Dark Ranger Model). The point of the game is to get to their own orb before the other side gets theirs. The middle is no mans land with numerous heros controlling thier own little armies of creeps and monsters. The game is won by the team that gets the orb first. Then another little cinematic goes and they win.

Can someone plz see if my units are even. All the basic concepts are there for the units, and the evil and good are the same except for their model. When someone looks through this there are a lot of unfinished triggers plz dont bother with those just see if all is good. The person that does check them plz plz help me fix their special ability. I was hoping that (check attack buffs) when they reach a certain level they can obtain the ability that is connected to thier own personal arrow. (Can you also plz fix how long it lasts becuase the special effect doesnt wear off) I have figured out a way for them to get the three basic stats higher after each kill depending on the lvl of the unit(intelligence, strength, and agility)

(Earth has earthquake that does major damage to buildings with a very wide damage radius) All stats will be going towards a higher hp and strenght power.
(Fire has a Burning Oil splash that will have a normal size radius that will inflict permanents burn that will keep the unit damaged and lose life continually) Will have an even distribution.
(Wind has the cloud that will take out all airs/range by making a cloud as big as them cover them and making them unaccessible and paralyzed for a couple seconds) All will go towards agility and range.
(Water has the tranquility that will heal only her units and half of allies units by attack the unit in the middle that is friendly) All will go towards a higher mp and intelligence.

(P.S. I really want the hero to have only 3 ability points. Each level they get they get stronger as well as for each kill they get. After they reach lvl 10 and get thier last ability, the special effect, the exp bar will dissapear [the unit will be changed with another model with the same things except for they are not heros but still have all the stats and attacks and 1 inventory]. Then they will no longer get lvls but still get higher stats)

Plz Plz Plz i need all your comments about this game good or bad. I really need someone to check my heros to see if they are balanced. I know im asking a lot but plz someone do that for me.


BattleForums Senior Member
Feb 19, 2003
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Nice ideas, haven't checked out the map yet, but make sure and include an option to skip the intro cinematic, most people don't care to sit klong through those unless it aids to the storyline, which in this case it does.

-Frank :cool:

Gray Shadows

Aug 29, 2004
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I think a lot of people dont know what i need since no one is here :( sniff. Well i just wanted to know everyones point of view on the game and if there should be anything changed.

And if there is a map creator around here can you plz check to see how my special effects arent working (and why they stay there) and help me on how to make the effect happen with the special effect. As well as changing the character but keeping the stats to a non hero but same model and everything.

And if there is anybody out there that can figure out how to even out characters can you plz do that for me. And if you change something in the triggers plz attach the map and i will be sure to put down everyones names that have helped me along with the names of the people from before. (dont worry i wont forget you)


BattleForums Senior Member
Feb 19, 2003
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I can help you, but I won't do it for you. Hald the part of becoming a good mapper is doing it yourself by learning, if others always do it for you, what happens when they aren't around?

-Frank :cool:

Gray Shadows

Aug 29, 2004
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Alright Alright it seems that no one is willing to help me but i do now understand i should figure it out for myself, Thank you IceDevil.

Can everyone just plz plz plz plz just tell me what they think of my game?


Oct 17, 2003
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Its a good map, I havn't played it personally, but it sounds like a good idea and something entertaining for a while. I'm a beginning mapper too and I'm starting to get good. Yes, I got some help, but I wouldn't let ANYONE do ANYTHING FOR me. The best way to learn is to do it yourself, trust me.

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